By dumbfounded - 08/05/2016 12:14 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I had to calm down an angry customer who claimed one of my employees had "traumatized" her dog. Apparently her dog is really OCD and my employee didn't line up the dog bed at the right angle. She threatened to report us to the BBB. How do these morons even exist? FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 284
You deserved it 1 366

Same thing different taste

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Please ask her to define OCD to the supervisor, and when she can't even say what the disorder means it will severely help your case.

My roommate's dog will take a toy, place it in or next to his food dish, and won't eat until you throw the toy. Then he will eat one piece, retrieve the toy, lather rinse repeat. If you don't throw it, he will just whine and whine and whine. If that's not OCD, I don't know what is.


Sometimes it better to just admit a customer is going to be more trouble than they're worth and send them elsewhere to shop. Also I think you know exactly how these morons exist. It's why they keep getting let out without a leash or proper supervision that is confounding.

Rammer3500 23

Stupid people exist and they marry stupid people and together they have stupid kids

Dog people can be so freaking weird. I am a dog person myself and my boy goes just about everywhere with me so I am around other dog people a lot. I see these weirdos everywhere. The problem is that people are anthropomorphizing their dogs and it creates issues for dog and owner. The dog is not a four legged baby. The dog is not a human child. The dog does not have a human brain. They are a different species and should be treated as such. Different species brains work different ways and treating them like they're human isn't fair to them. This is why little dogs are often such assholes, but it seems to be more and more common with larger dogs lately too. I think we all do it to an extent and it's normal for people to do that, but not like a lot of these people I've met in the past few years. They think their dogs peed on the floor because it was mad at them or they think their dog "respects all living beings" and wants to eat a vegan diet or any number of crazy things people come up with. We say things like "Go find Mom" or "Dad's home" but, at the end of the day, my dog is treated like a dog because, no matter how much we love him, he is not human and never will be. He's brilliant and sometimes I swear he's a human in a dog's body, but to treat him like a child wouldn't be fair to him. He sleeps on the bed and is spoiled rotten, but he is trained to behave appropriately.

RedCronos 17

To top it off, we drive on the same roads/streets as these people.

Dogs actually can have OCD, but it comes out in different ways than in humans. My dog used to lick things (furniture, people, her paws, the other dogs) compulsively. She's also pull out the hair on her tail.

Their are eating their dogs cookies, spiced with lsd and thc ..

Literally why I do not work in retail anymore.

I traumatized my pets... they have such squeezable body parts..

Tell that to the college kids who think free speech should be removed from the constitution because they don't like other opinions