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By jaa319 - 30/10/2016 06:35 - United States

Today, a customer asked for my manager's number, my bosses number, corporate's number and filled out a complaint form, all because we kindly asked him not to sit his kid on the counter due to safety concerns. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 347
You deserved it 623

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So? Give him all the numbers, even give him the number for the pope of America, that way he will look like even more of a fool while he whines about his lack of common sense.

Some people... You should be allowed to deny him all that for being an idiot. If he goes through with it he'll just make an ass of himself


So? Give him all the numbers, even give him the number for the pope of America, that way he will look like even more of a fool while he whines about his lack of common sense.

Some people... You should be allowed to deny him all that for being an idiot. If he goes through with it he'll just make an ass of himself

So then why would OP deny him the numbers? I'm sure OP's bosses need a good laugh as much as OP did.

Sometimes you just need to kill someone just to satisfy your anger.,

Bitch slap or throat punch.... But, never kill...

Or heavily sedate... like a medically induced coma...??

Anger? I could see frustration and exasperation, but getting angry from idiots being idiots is a little extreme, don't you think? Hell, if anything I'd be laughing knowing that the customer is going to make himself look like an idiot to all my bosses.

Those phonecalls, I'd love to hear them.

Dial the number- and hand him/ her the phone, proceed in the back to find some cheese and crackers for his whine. You was only looking out for the safety of a child.

Great Service is when you do your job without alienating the customer

Snotty parents like that raise over-entitled spoiled brats. I hope whoever this asshole breeder whined to was laughed off.

They should have reverse complaint forms in companies that allow you to voice concerns about customers so that if there is a complaint from them, the employee has a chance to tell their side of the story!

And that's the kind of person who would raise hell and sue if his kid whacked his finger on that counter during a hard sneeze.