By TheHeirofTime - 15/08/2016 15:11 - United States - Marlborough

Today, I had to cancel an appointment due to diarrhea. I was so nervous that when the receptionist asked why, I told her, "I can't stop shitting." FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 254
You deserved it 1 732

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you know what they say, "honesty is the best policy."

Don't worry OP, everyone has had to deal with it at some point in their life! On the other hand, at least you made some people laugh! Hope things improve for you


you know what they say, "honesty is the best policy."

andrmac 25

I thought modesty was the best policy?

And honestly it's not the best at that moment though

That's one way to dump the shitty news onto her...

You're not wrong though. Take some Imodium beforehand, maybe that'll help you survive.

From a medical view point, if you have diarrhoea it's normally for a reason and your body needs it out. Taking anything to stop it, can lead to the 'bugs' to stay in your gut and cause another, potentially worse, infection or illness. If possible, let yaself poo til your heart's content and reschedule :)

Well hell! it's the truth! Don't be ashamed of a normal bodily function. Haven't you heard? everybody poops.

cootiequeen4444 11

I had a bizarre book called 'everybody poops' as a young child. it was basically a bunch of animals pooping. plus people at the end or something. there was an everybody farts book too. same authors probably. i didn't have the fart one though. idk what happened to the poop book. I haven't seen it since I was a little kid... I bet it wouldn't be as funny as a remember it being though... OR maybe, sadly, it would be...

7 - I'm pretty sure everyone who grew up at that time knows about that book.

Don't worry OP, everyone has had to deal with it at some point in their life! On the other hand, at least you made some people laugh! Hope things improve for you

If you haven't already, I would recommend investing in a nice buttplug. They stop unwanted leakage, and some even come with tails!

metalcrazed 21

You probably blew your chance to go on a date with her. If not, you're in for a steamy night. A Cleveland steamy night.