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By loser - 09/05/2011 21:12 - United States

Today, I had to sell my wedding ring to help me pay for my divorce. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 724
You deserved it 13 073

Same thing different taste


I'm replying to this comment to get my comment at the top.

12, nice, everyone does that including me

I'm replying to this comment because it actually has something to do with the original comment. Uhhh... I agree

how much do divorces cost (honestly don't know) seems she wouldn't be able to get anything but the worth of the gold and stone for it, which isn't very much unless it's a gigantic ring

exactly what I was thinking .. why would she want to keep it if she's divorced. I don't see how this is a FML..

jonan1212 5
imacreeper 3

if OP kept it, they could make profit out of it.

Well I know but I mean.. Why would she put this as an fml , if she's only selling to get the money out of it ? It seems like she's pretty upset about it. So like whatever , I just think this shouldn't be fml.

yea if ur getting divorced why would u wanna keep the wedding ring?

tjv3 10

you don't need it once the marriage is over

Not all divorces are entirely centered around anger and hate, so not everyone is gonna RAGEQUIT and erase everything about the relationship to retaliate. For many people, its a time of life-altering, sorrow and heartbreak, and anger can be a secondary emotion. The fact remains(in the incidences I'm talking about), that there was a sincere love and intention to be together forever. Having that kind of feeling, and later admitting that you were wrong is a wretched feeling. So it makes sense to me that someone might want to hang onto those sorta things, because there were times of true happiness, and to be honest its better to remember bad relationships and grow from them, than to repress them and become bitter. Of course, not everyone is going to see it this way, and I don't know her situation. I guess it really just goes down to what flavor of icecream you prefer.

69 - not if the glass was in a vacuum also, if the glass was in the ocean, would it be "full"

Everday 0

Maybe she doesn't want a divorce ?

alexg823 0

but she had done so already.

74-  I hope my pic explains the dark side

Maybe she didn't actually want the divorce and wanted to hold on to the ring just in case they got back together... It made it final and if she didn't want it to be, that would be pretty depressing.

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Well aren't you a dick. Some people who get divorced actually have to do that becaue the ex to be sometimes makes everything outrageously out priced. Someday, you'll probably be making this same fml dumbass. Think before you type.

iAmScrubs 19

The username of the person who wrote this FML is named Loser. Maybe 2 was laughing at that. Either way, it is a very unintelligent comment. Something a little bit more clever could be thought of.:)

iAmScrubs 19

obviously 29 couldn't have seen the username or else he/she wouldn't have posted the comment. Your comment, on the other hand, makes it look like OP's name is Dumb Ass Loser. Proper grammar would be You're a dumb ass, loser is OP's name. That way there would be no mixups.

Hey 56, guess what? Nobody gives a shit!

rarr 0

You obviously do if you took the time to write a responce.

I'm lying in bed, sick as a dog. I have time to tell people that nobody gives a shit about grammar Nazis.

:/ sorry op.. the divorce process is never fun

Um, you look 12. How would you know?

her parents divorced? she looks about 15-17 to me...

don't be an Ass 27... what if her parents divorced? it's hard for the whole family, not just the couple. she could have also gotten married at a younger age and then divorced not long after. she could also just be assuming that it's hard which it is. Or the picture is his/her daughter or even a random person she just made as her pic. 27 is a loser.

fightin4fun 0

yea, my parents got divorced... it wasn't very fun.

fightin4fun 0

27- I look twelve? I'm 16, and no I've never been divorced and my parents haven't either (thankfully.) I have plenty of relatives that I have seen go through divorce. It can (and usually does) effect the whole family plus friends, and is not a very pleasant thing to deal with. The process of divorce is not fun. Just because I haven't been divorced doesn't mean I haven't seen what it can do to families and friends. thank you to the other people here that stuck up for me (:

you're 17 and you've been through a divorce? hmm, I guess our world is truly a living hell...

FruitSalad4225 0

109, it's probably her parents that are divorced.

That happens often. My mom sold her wedding ring when she divorced my dad to pay her attorney off. The ring belongs to you, and is yours to do with what you please or need

wellll you won't need it anymore, but it sucks thats what you had to spend the money on.. ://

Why not kill the husband with the ring instead

JayBear14 11

Because then she would need money to pay for a lawyer and she wouldn't be able to sell the ring for money then either because it would be confiscated and used as evidence of the murder weapon...

KVKdragon 26

and to be honest, who would buy a ring that was used for murder?

13yearoldboy 0