By Anonymous - 09/01/2011 18:47 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to explain to my friend why it's inappropriate to conduct a phone conversation while simultaneously eating a bagel, listening to music, and taking a shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 943
You deserved it 3 935

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That IS inappropriate! He could also be composing an opera, checking his stocks, clipping his toenails, and masturbating at the same time! What a colossal waste of time.

Why's that so bad? I do it all the time. It's called multi-tasking.


fiveonefiveoh 0

just because it's gross, doesn't mean it's "inappropriate".. what r u, his mother??

I applaud the multi-tasking! its just the eating while ******** that's a but gross. I mean, eewww....poo particles.....on the food! blah!

smorkmo 6

yeah, he's on the phone cuz you called and interrupted his shit and since you can't see him, and you prolly called him.. what exactly was ur point? I mean it's not like you can smell it through the phone..

eating while taking a shit is just plain nasty; aside from being unclean, the scent of the food would be associated with poo, and would be forever tainted...haha, taint...

TheDamnDrifter 1

Thats how i do my homework (no seriously)

Xenmas021 3

I guess he was talking *shit* .

lmaooo dont he mean gttn a Bj by taking a shit and on the fone???

zebrapattern 6

can you explain it to me, too?

TayLovesMattx3 0

hahaha! this sounds like my bestie. its not really a FYL or a YDI. :P