By Anonymous - 09/01/2011 18:47 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to explain to my friend why it's inappropriate to conduct a phone conversation while simultaneously eating a bagel, listening to music, and taking a shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 943
You deserved it 3 935

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That IS inappropriate! He could also be composing an opera, checking his stocks, clipping his toenails, and masturbating at the same time! What a colossal waste of time.

Why's that so bad? I do it all the time. It's called multi-tasking.


how did you know he was crapping were you watching him

foolishgirl 0

eww! who are ur friends?!?.....disturbed.....

texassgirl 0

ok guys there is a simple explanation, the music is to cover up the ******** sound so while they're on the phone no one knows your shittin. hell for all the other person knows your chillin I'n your room listening to music and talking. but eatin and shittin that's pretty gross.

texassgirl 0

But ita your choir what you do when your on the phone. So who really gives a damn ha. I personally would laugh my ass off if someone called me While eating shittin and listening to music. Get a sense of humor! :)

PaintTheStars 2

the germs still get through the paper. which is why people wash their hands after taking a shit/pee.

Eating while ********. the circle of life.

Finish eating before you wipe? Problem solved.

I don't know anybody who ***** with their ears or talks on the phone with their ass...

kobebryant100 5

i don't see the problem here.