By Anonymous - 22/03/2012 05:13 - United States - Federal Way

Today, I had to re-grade a student's assignments because neither he, nor his parents can read "Spanish." I'd written in cursive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 108
You deserved it 4 099

Same thing different taste

Underfunded and underappreciated

By lrn2spel, teach - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Mogadore

Today, I got back the essay I wrote about how my country's education system is fucked. At one point, I made a spelling mistake. My teacher wrote a note about it, basically calling me illiterate, and telling me to pay attention in school instead of whining about it. She misspelled "school". FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 059
You deserved it 4 675

Top comments

Tdevonner 0

Haha apparently you write with a heavy accent lol


My kids only had one quarter of cursive writing in school. It simply is not taught much anymore. Kind of like Latin is a dead language, cursive is going away.

fadingfaith 4

When I was in elementary school, I only remember learning it for one week. I actually wish we spent more time on it.

stewpididiot 11

If you tell them it's cursive they'll probably get mad for teaching their kids to swear

TheyCallMeDamien 17

They don't teach kids cursive anymore.

sigh... I hope you have terrible handwriting... sadly, I think its probably just a family of morons...

jmoreno 4

Your hand writing must be awful

WOW, there's not much to say about that. And people wonder why our country is in the shape it's in.

Casseopeia 21

Wow, the fact that he parents couldn't understand what you wrote and that they thought it was in Spanish is astounding. It makes it hard for the teacher, having to spend time re-grading after so much time has already been spent. However I can also understand where the student is coming from. I had a university prof, who would grade papers in cursive. It was neat and not all over the place but it was very tiny and the letters weren't easily distinguishable. It was often a challenge trying to decipher what was written. Sometimes, if you asked her what she wrote she couldn't even decipher her own cursive.

fmaon06 10

I write cursive for everything because it's much quicker and I've been told it almost looks like script. That makes me sad if people are no longer able to read it... Oooh! We can have a secret coded language!!

The fact they thought it was Spanish is amusing, but there are seriously too many teachers whose handwriting is awful. I've had so many profs write comments and I literally couldn't understand any of the feedback. It's extremely annoying.