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Slipping up

By englishfail - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was teaching a class when a student pointed out that I'd used the wrong "your/you're" while writing on the board. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 508
You deserved it 48 523

Same thing different taste

Underfunded and underappreciated

By lrn2spel, teach - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Mogadore

Today, I got back the essay I wrote about how my country's education system is fucked. At one point, I made a spelling mistake. My teacher wrote a note about it, basically calling me illiterate, and telling me to pay attention in school instead of whining about it. She misspelled "school". FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 063
You deserved it 4 685

Top comments

Maddoctor 10

I really hope you teach something other than english.


^ This, lol. You are in the presence of a grammar nazi in training.

I hope it's cooking, because she is in fact a woman.

Wow people relax I’m pretty sure all of you have made a grammar mistake !!!

I used to correct teachers all the time in primary school.. They aren't too bright.. XD

fmylife0027 0

wow chill, its just one spelling error, kids correct there teachers all the time.

is, in fact, a woman not us in fact a women

hairt 4


Maddoctor 10

I really hope you teach something other than english.

wow, did you quit already? you do realize that teaching kids is a great responsibility, right?

I'm a teacher and it's the most difficult job. You have NO IDEA unless you've been one before. Seriously. Especially in difficult schools... anyhow, OP, I've never done this before, but if you have a good relationship with your kids, you could have just laughed it off. To all you other posters, it's REALLY easy to screw up while writing in a rush on the board. You're doing a million things at once when you're teaching. Again, you wouldn't know unless you've done it before. So, to mess up a word on the board while asking for input on what you're writing, having someone knock on the door, listening to the two talkers in the back and trying to tell them to quiet down, catching someone pulling out a cell phone to your side etc.... well, that's not so bad.

KayleeFrye 39

It would be one thing if the OP didn't know the difference between "your" and "you're," that would be inexcusable. However, a mistake is a mistake. It happens. I totally agree with FrecklesInside , you can't possibly condemn the OP for making a mistake. I'm a teacher too, and just today I made a spelling error while writing on the board. Not because I didn't know how to spell the word, but because I was trying to explain something and write at the same time. In addition, I had one person asking me to write a hall pass, another trying to ask a question, and I was also telling the noisy group in the back to quiet down. One of my students pointed out my mistake, I made a joke about it, and fixed it. No big deal. YOU try having your attention divided five different ways and see how YOUR grammar stands up.

mandark 9

I help teachers with spelling all the time. @24, I wish my teachers were hip to FML.

^^this. (#24, #100) I actually don't think it's an FML. It's an easy - and minor! - mistake to make, especially if you're trying to speak, think, and write all at once. We're not perfect 100% of the time.

sad part is that you're teaching these kids. good job. this is exactly why we shouldn't cater to the stupid.

Oh well. A tiny mistake like that once in a while doesn't matter. The fact they've posted it on here indicates it's embarrassing to them, so it's probably a rare incident. My Geography teacher did it once or twice too. Not the end of the world, and it doesn't make them bad teachers!

YDI for not being able to differentiate between you're and your. I bet you're also the kind of kid who ***** up the usage of they're, there, and their as well.

Are you a science teacher? My Bio teacher didn't have the best grammar, but she wasn't stupid.

hah, mine too. In high school both my Physics and Maths teachers always made english errors. They didnt mind us correcting them.

If you are a grammar teacher, this is an fml. If you are anything else, this is not.