By candice - 01/11/2011 09:09 - Reserved

Today, I had to tell all the trick-or-treaters that I'd run out of candy. I'd actually bought about $50 worth of candy, but managed to eat all of it by myself, sitting alone in my apartment, exactly like last year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 527
You deserved it 46 591

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Next year if you buy candy sit outside with the bowl. You can watch all the trick or treaters walking around in their costumes. If you need more than that to stay entertained bring out a phone, radio, mp3 player or iproduct. And buy a cheap silly hat, horns or something.

borche 5

Reminds me so much of myself. I literally cants stop eating lately, Is it my boyfriend dumping me or being bullied at school, I don't know! Hugs sweetie

Put your self out there, get a date, problem solved. No need to thank me

kitsune3 20

...OP, you DO realize there is a much easier solution, right? Don't have your proch lights on, and they'll know better than to come to your house.

Y don't u buy ur candy the day before or something or the same day so u don't eat it and get a life!!! Or at least a girlfriend

randomail44 0

U remind me of Barney from the simpsons

talk about diabetes & caveties ouch good luck op

helpfulperson 9