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By what.....? - 31/08/2012 23:40 - United States

Today, at college, we had a substitute philosophy teacher, because our professor is on bereavement leave. During his presentation, the sub managed to segue from the early works of Immanuel Kant straight into "the myth of the vaginal orgasm." I'm still shocked and highly confused. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 930
You deserved it 2 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well.... I bet his wife thinks he's great...

theslimshadylp 6

Please tell me more of this mythical ******.


Well.... I bet his wife thinks he's great...

JackeeDawn 9

I wonder if his opening statement was "vaginas are smelly" fallowed by his shitty sex life stories. If he thinks their myths he's never given a girl one.

the_anti_hipster 7

Were the subs next words: "Don't have sex, because you WILL get pregnant. And die." ? Hm. Sounds legit.

Dblocker 18

His wife is probably the one who told him this "myth".

They say tht in Means grls, i was just watching tht like 30 mins ago!

Psych101 9

I actually find it rather impressive that the substitute was able to go from Immanuel Kant with his "Dare to Know" to vaginal ******...

Actually, I think LACK of escalation is the subs problem.

That, my friends, is called true talent.

Well, the early works of Kant were uninteresting and even now hardly anyone cares. They could be compared to sex without an ******. I don't know how else to go from Kant's early works to mythical vaginal orgasms. I am very interested in Kant, and even I don't care about his early works.

theslimshadylp 6

Please tell me more of this mythical ******.

Well, it's not really a myth. The ******** is actually much bigger than many people are aware, so it extends around the vaginal opening. So technically it's possible to have a "vaginal ******" from that part of the ******** alone. I think the myth part is the G-spot (which is still debatable, because I would imagine it's different for everyone.) The more you know...

theslimshadylp 6

And knowing is half the battle!!!

Didn't anyone ever tell you? It's not the size of the boat, it's the motion of the ocean! Unless, of course, you're less than 3 inches. In which case, no one would hold it against you to use some medicinal help

shrdlu 28

Just nod politely and ignore what he says. When your regular prof returns, you can forget anything the sub ever said.

Immanuel Kant, well you see In my annual **** report,the vaginal ****** is written to be very ...mythical.

Oh, the joys of having a substitute teacher. It always ends up interesting.

MichellinMan 20

Not for me. When I had subs in high school, they just sat there playing with their phones.

So far throughout my high school career, I've had pretty awesome people for subs. One turned out to be my aunt's cheerleading coach when she went to my high school, and she was best friends with my grandma. Another sat there and told war stories. Another let us play charades. The list goes on and on.

OhDearBetrayal 25

I had a sub once who tried to connect every last name with a friend of his he knew in hopes of getting comfortable with people. "Jack Anderson, are you familiar with Bob Anderson from St. Cloud?"

I once had a sub who threatened to send me to the office because I stood up in the middle of class and yelled "DAAAAAYYYOOOO"

ChrisTheCalm 9

58- he should of sent you to talk with the school psychologist.

I had a sub who had been a pro football player. He was excellent. We wanted to keep him, and ditch the regular teacher.

cawoods 1

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Hope it wasn't in too much detail. Save that for sex Ed

College is a bit late for sex Ed. You'd be lucky to find more then 100 virgins.

joeyl2008 29

Which sucks because I really need to find some to sacrifice to Cthulhu

Your sub is so good at staying on topic.

9 - off topic but your profile pic made me laugh out loud so hard!

CherryLipBalm 1

He must have been an awkward kid when he was in school...

I see, he must be very enthralled in this topic to absent-mindedly bring it up while teaching.