By fitzy79 - 31/01/2014 20:04 - United States

Today, I had to wake up at 4am because my boss set an important business meeting for first thing in the morning. After making sure everything was ready, I went to work. My boss ended up oversleeping and moved the meeting to tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 790
You deserved it 3 759

Same thing different taste

Top comments

your boss is a really irresponsible. I am sorry you got screwed

Yeah, if you quit your job after any mishap you're going to have a bad life.


I wake up every day at 4am, deployments suck.

Your boss seems very irresponsible but unfortunately, there's nothing you can do about it. Just keep doing a great job and hopefully you'll move up. Thank you for serving our country op!

at least you were up at a good time ^~^ see it positively, you'll get more time to do stuff in the day

While that all sounds very well and reasonable, it's a bad idea for two big reasons: 1. OP shouldn't lower themselves to that level just for revenge, and should prove him/herself to be better than the boss. 2. The meeting could be in OP's interest to attend.

Hurry up and wait... When I was dating a guy in the Army that stuff used to frustrate me so badly. Now I'm in the Navy and I understand much better now.

CommanderWoof 10

Ahh...It's good to be the king! (Or, in this case, the boss.) Sorry you have to put up with Major Ass, OP.

katydid91 31

Thank you for serving our country!

your boss is a boss of unaccountable persons!