By fitzy79 - 31/01/2014 20:04 - United States

Today, I had to wake up at 4am because my boss set an important business meeting for first thing in the morning. After making sure everything was ready, I went to work. My boss ended up oversleeping and moved the meeting to tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 790
You deserved it 3 759

Same thing different taste

Top comments

your boss is a really irresponsible. I am sorry you got screwed

Yeah, if you quit your job after any mishap you're going to have a bad life.


If you ever get in trouble for being late to work just bring this story up and it should shut them up. Or probably get you fired faster for being mouthy. But at least they might realize they are a shitty manager.

JMichael 25

I woke up at 4am to the sound my guinea squealing like it was dying I that helps OP.

martin8337 35

Me, I'd be passed off and inform him that that would be the last time I'd get up that morning for a meeting.

If he overslept it can't have been that important. Just tell him you aren't getting up at that time for a meeting.

Wow, look at all the people who have never worked before, you don't get to tell your boss you're not doing what he tells you to do

Bosses like that don't deserve to be bosses. Good luck OP! Hope work goes good.

Well maybe you can get some good overtime pay... Props for getting up early...

olpally 32

Your boss is not setting a good example. Jerk.

perdix 29

Work hard and one day you could become a boss ...and then you can jerk around your employees.

klovemachine 24

Jerking around your employees is a good way of getting fired :O :)

Well, the early bird catches the worm??