By biscuit - 07/01/2011 05:46 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to walk three miles home from work. Both my parents were at home. The reason they wouldn't collect me is apparently because I've "gotten so fat, your grandma cried after she saw you". FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 432
You deserved it 25 821

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so... walking never hurt anyone and by the sounds of things you need the exercise

well, you do need exercise but i dont think what they did is the best solution


luvmypitbulls 0

mabey you should spend time doing a physical activity other than ******* yourself, You FAT ****! Quit complaining!

don't worry op you'll get used to it after a bit and lose some weight too!

So? You should thank your parents, you spoiled, lazy bitch.

Exactly. I can understand not wanting to walk to work if it would take too long, but for three miles there's no good excuse not to walk.

lol@doc... and just cause they're insecure doesn't make it ok to whine about personal problems. if its uncontrollable fatness, and by that I don't mean damn i cant keep my hands off that triple bacon cheeseburger, I feel bad but otherwise; run fatty run.

From someone who has walked very long distances (It's about 3 miles from my house to Gamestop), the only consolation I have is that if you don't have good walking shoes, you'll need some ice for your feet. I, too, am not in the best physical shape, but I've had no issue with a 6 mile walk. Yeah, it takes a while, and I lightly regret it the next day when my legs are so stiff I can hardly stand in the shower, but I get a sense of accomplishment most gamers don't: I walked to get my games when I could have gotten a friend to drive me, or taken a cab.

YDI for making your poor, little grandma cry.

that's sad but face it u can walk three miles. I'm fat and i can do it get the he'll ovr it.

#6: I've noticed you're ALWAYS defending fat/overweight/obese people. Knock it off. It's pointless. Edit: Damn, I failed to press the reply button.

No man is an island? By the way, your comment is pointless. So is mine.