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Just stop

By Home sick - 04/01/2019 20:00

Today, I was called fat by my boyfriend's old-fashioned mom. I'm not close to fat but I'm not really skinny either so she calls me fat. She also complained that my feet makes noise when I walk and that girls shouldn't make noise when walking. This week has been hell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 997
You deserved it 452

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DraftHail614 17

Girls shouldn't make noise when they walk? OP, that lady is on some shit. I wouldn't let it bother you. I'm just confused as to why your SO hasn't said anything.

TxKitten79 10

And is the boyfriend standing up for you? If not, he needs to be your ex-boyfriend. This woman wont chanfe, EVER unless the boyfriend stands up to her for you. So, if he's not... this is what the rest of your life with him will look like, and it will only get worse the longer this goes on, and it will definitely be worse if you ever get married.


DraftHail614 17

Girls shouldn't make noise when they walk? OP, that lady is on some shit. I wouldn't let it bother you. I'm just confused as to why your SO hasn't said anything.

Then as long as she isn’t walking and talking, she shouldn’t give a flying whoop.

TxKitten79 10

And is the boyfriend standing up for you? If not, he needs to be your ex-boyfriend. This woman wont chanfe, EVER unless the boyfriend stands up to her for you. So, if he's not... this is what the rest of your life with him will look like, and it will only get worse the longer this goes on, and it will definitely be worse if you ever get married.

PenguinPal3017 19

At first I felt ashamed of not knowing what "chanfe" meant. It sounds fancy.

TxKitten79 10

It was supposed to be "change." I missed that one when I proof-read. oops.

tounces7 27

Always consider what someones parents are like, and what impact it may have had on them. An overbearing mother could indicate a spineless mama's boy....which means run.

TxKitten79 10

Exactly. I have no doubt that if someone in my husband's family disrespected me he would call them out, in front of everyone, and stand up for me. My ex never did, and his mother never changed.

TheTree 4

Would you mind telling me your height and weight? I'm a physician's assistant and it's super common for patients who are clinically overweight or even obese to be shocked that their weight is outside of the healthy range, just because (in the US at least) obesity has become so normalized. Also, consider getting a pair of tap dance shoes to wear around your BF's house

julfunky 29

It doesn’t matter if you’re a physicians assistant, you don’t ask random people online that kind of information in order to discern if they’re fat or not. Not your job.

PenguinPal3017 19

You're trying to help OP but people will shit on you anyway. It's a fair question.

Height/weight ratio doesn't determine health or even obesity. It determines BMI, but it's long been determined that that alone doesn't determine the actual state of obesity or any medical condition. If you're not asking for stature/build, then you're not even able to determine what part of the BMI scale you should be considering to determine if their height/weight ratio falls into obese categories.

It might be a "fair" question if the right parameters were being requested. In order to determine a person's health, you'd need to confirm their biological sex, height, weight, stature, age and approximate bone density, and then also have a potential caliper test to determine whether or not they were actually obese. "Clinically obese" is not determined by weight and height alone and I find it questionable that a person trying to qualify their knowledge in this way would get any support at all. OP only needs to consider the opinion of their personal PCP when it comes to concerns about their weight. Assuming that OP might be "clinically obese" and not know it is, in my opinion, part of the attitude that plagues the medical community these days.

julfunky 29

Exactly. The fact that they asked JUST height and weight automatically makes their “physical assessment” a guesstimate at best.

tounces7 27

You know, she could just freaking use that information and google it, too.

While I agree that it’s unfair to assume that OP is clinically obese without realizing it, I will give you some love for the tap shoes comment. I’m an ex dancer, and this is totally something I would do. And I’d also show the mom some videos of prima ballerinas cuz they’re some of the skinniest women, yet they make noise when they walk/dance too.

... She said she's "not close to fat" I was 5"4 and weighed 135 lbs, and my mother would told me I'm fat and gave me a weight loss book for Christmas. Some mothers are just like this.

Yeah people are weird with other people's weights. People told me that I was too thin and too fat at the same time. You can never get it right.

Tell her that she’s an ugly bitch

If your boyfriend doesn't stick up for you, you may want to use those feet to kick him to the curb, too. Seriously, it sickens me how many people do crap like that mother.

She's not old-fashioned, she's just plain rude. Speak with your boyfriend, and ask him to get her to apologize.

That’s not old-fashioned. That’s just plain rude.

I know loud and obnoxious girls too. They don't know they're loud and obnoxious. Your boyfriend's mom might not be the hero we need...