By Anonymous - 06/07/2017 21:00 - Italy

Today, I had to have knee surgery. When I woke up, I found myself with a bandage around my head. The surgeon explained to me that one of the students in the operating room had fainted during the procedure, falling over and head-butting me on her way down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 762
You deserved it 249

Top comments

Who knew that knee surgery would be such a headache?

Find that girl and marry her! The "so how did you two meet" story would be so good, it'd be worth it for that alone!


Tess390 7

we were always told if you feel lightheaded or think you might or it's your first surgery stand against the wall so if you faint you slide down the wall and don't hit your head or injure anyone. I guess she was never given that advice

Amusing as this may be, I hope they made sure you didn't have a concussion on the hospitals dime. They are the ones at fault for the injury, 100%.

I wonder if the student fainted because medical condition (i.e. fatigue) or fear (i.e. blood). I have heard stories where medical students discover they cannot handle stuff like the sight of blood and end up having a syncopal episode in the middle of a procedure. It sucks, but that is one way to discover the medical field is not right for them.