By Renderfist - 06/07/2017 18:30

Today, I had to comfort my wife after she found out that her boyfriend wasn't faithful to her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 833
You deserved it 1 867

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Taylor Caldwell 10

How is this not a real fml?! I mean unless you were in an open relationship and had okayed this other relationship then that really sucks

jgiles09 17

ermmmmmmmmmm say again? you had to comfort her wtf!!! had to?! comfort?! yes more info needed


Taylor Caldwell 10

How is this not a real fml?! I mean unless you were in an open relationship and had okayed this other relationship then that really sucks

Even if that were the case, well, OP chose this life, he gets no sympathy! That's what he signed up for!

You two can comfort each other. She did get cheated on, but your odds of getting an STD

jgiles09 17

ermmmmmmmmmm say again? you had to comfort her wtf!!! had to?! comfort?! yes more info needed

Stiggy626 25

Right? He didn't have to do shit

Wow, that sucks dude. No witty comment here, just hope you've got someone supporting you as well.

Ciela 22

please tell me this is an open relationship

peithecelt 28

Please tell me you guys are polyamorous, and this post is mostly just amusement at the weirdness of the situation... Because of you're not poly, and you are comforting her, your patience exceeds the average.

tolkien897 15

Unless you knew about the boyfriend already, get a divorce.

You didn't 'have' to comfort her at all.

They must have been separated and the wife came to her husband for comfort.