By YellowKettleBell - 02/04/2014 02:21 - United States - Houston

Today, I have pink eye. Four weeks ago I had scabies. I'm an elementary school teacher, and I'm apparently under attack from biological weapons: my students. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 022
You deserved it 4 399

YellowKettleBell tells us more.

YellowKettleBell 31

Op here....unfortunately, many kids don't come from homes that are clean and hygienic. That's especially true in economically disadvantaged homes, from which most of my kids come. Some I can tell don't bathe or wash their clothes regularly. Yes, this is my first year. Many teachers said they had similar experiences starting out.

Top comments

equitationbound 22

Why are parents sending their kids to school with this shit????

saraitkddh 47

I think you should shower now twice everyday and get all kinds of vaccines


elle920 1

That's why I am not a teacher or parent. Kids are gross

Only if you let them be. You were a kid once too, so there's that.

Jessj958 19

I mean you can't expect to not constantly get sick if you're working in an environment that's always flooded with germs. YDI for choosing a profession with germ slathered children.

#61. You're an ass. What about doctors?? Or cashiers? Or bankers? Or even janitors? Every reputable career deals with interacting with people.

1) He wasn't expecting it get that sick quickly in that short of time. 2) How the **** does he deserve this?

I'm pretty sure OP knew what he was getting into. Anyone who works with kids knows they will be exposed to every virus that goes around. Doesn't mean it doesn't suck, though. I don't see how anyone deserves pink eye or scabies though.

Every career doesn't involve working with children though. Children are disgusting, I have to deal with 3 of them every time I go to my fathers. Doctors take the necessary precautions to not get sick, and bankers and the like (again) don't deal with nasty germ covered kids. I'm sorry you think I am an ass, but hey, isn't every 16 year old? What can a girl do?

Also I said he deserves it for not expecting it. He said "apparently" meaning he didn't realize that he would be constantly getting sick. So it's his fault, it's obvious you'll get sick a lot when working with children.

#92. You said "children are disgusting". So, think back just a few years: Were YOU disgusting? I'm guessing that your answer would be NO. Are you aware of just how much your teachers have/are teaching you that will help you the rest if your life? Do you have any idea how hard teachers jobs are? Show some respect. Teachers are absolutely essential.

I most definitely was a disgusting child. Every child is. Why would I bother lying? And I do respect my teachers. The ones from 8th grade up more though, the other ones didn't teach me very important things and most of them just sat and did nothing. I am an AP student with more credit than I need for the year I am in so of course I respect the teachers that helped me get there. I don't sympathize with them though when they get sick. They chose to work with snot nose brats so they should've already known that they would need to be extra careful when it comes to health.

I am sure you will next get the flu, conjunctivitis and everything else under the sun. Oh the joys of being a teacher.

You do realize that conjunctivitis is just a fancy word for pink eye, right?

LtBrenton 16

Of course! And don't forget "the great brown traffic jam" for constipation ;)

Luna08_fml 8

my mom works with 3 year olds and they are always sick my mom had a cold and now I have it

Well.. we do teach our kids to share with everyone....

ThomasBombadil 31

Pretty soon Purell will be ineffective as the "bugs" adapt. Then what?

A better option is simply washing with warm water. Antibacterial products cause the germs to adapt. The friction of rubbing your hands under running water is going to remove the worst of them on its own. Just don't overdo it and end up with raw hands.

Try to develop terrible B.O. so those little Petri dishes keep a safety distance.

DatWeirdoDoe 9

Its SHOWER TIME!! Every single day 2 times