By Anonymous - 25/09/2014 19:32 - United States - College Station

Today, I have such severe ADD that I can't focus without my medication. When I take the medication, I can only focus on one thing, but not necessarily the thing I need to be focusing on. I have a chem test soon, and I've been vacuuming my room for the past 4 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 751
You deserved it 4 980

Same thing different taste

Top comments

isabelf 17

At least your carpet will be clean...?

Good luck on the test! Remember that someone across the world is feeling bad for you xD And now you have a clean room!


I feel for you. It's really hard and frustrating dealing with ADHD. I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 9. I have been on almost every medication they have for it until I finally found one that works for me, which is Adderall. I would definitely consider trying a smaller dose of whatever you are taking before deciding to switch to a different medication. I assume you are on a stimulant medication. If you have too much or not enough of an ADHD medication it will obviously not work correctly and too high of a dose will make it worse. They also have ADHD meds that are non stimulants like Strattera. Maybe a non stimulant would be better for you but I'm guessing your Dr. and you have already tried a non stimulant? Most do before giving someone a narcotic. I would definitely speak with your doctor as soon as possible so it doesn't affect your schooling anymore and possibly give your teacher a heads up. This isn't a typical situation for an adult but it seems like, from your post, you were recently diagnosed? Or possibly switched medications? Whatever the situation, it would be best to speak with your doctor immediately. If you don't have insurance, which I hope you do because ADHD meds are very expensive, you could try a partial/smaller dose and see if it works better for you. It sounds like you possibly have too high of a dose. You may benefit from a smaller dose once or twice a day depending on if you have IR or XR. DO NOT try smaller/partial doses with your current prescription without first consulting your doctor because, as we both know, the pill bottle says not to crush or cut the medication. Another alternitive you could try, if you are on the IR tablet form of a stimulant, is to switch to the XR capsule form if one is available. Possibly at a smaller dose. Whatever you decide to do I hope you can find a solution. Sorry for writing so much! I know some people don't like advice when they have not asked for it but I'm just trying to help because I have been through this also. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Good luck OP.

SexyMexi21 23

Well if you've noticed you've been doing that can't you refocus yourself one studying?

I've seen a few people say the meds numb you and depresses you. I did have this problem in high school. I completely stopped my meds because I felt like a zombie but my grades suffered badly. I always did very well on the tests but couldnt study, do my homework, or in class work and not doing my work dropped my grades considering the work counted for most of your grade. I was able to get more time to do my tests because of my ADHD. When I forgot to take my meds my symptoms were crazy. I was so hyper and alive. I spoke my mind, stood up for myself and finally didnt feel like a zombie anymore. Now that I'm older and back on the Adderal again I realized it wasn't the Adderall. It was the depression med my Dr. had me on at the same time. Which was Welbutrin. For me that combo was horrible and I was severely depressed. People who say "just do it and pay attention, stop procrastinating, you're just lazy" don't understand what we go through everyday. They have no right to say anything because they have no idea. To the guy who said you don't need meds he just smoked pot. That just substituting a legal drug for an illegal drug. From experience I know people smoke pot or do drugs to self medicate because of underlying issues. You say meds are not the answer. Neither is weed. Weed does not help me focus. The very opposite in fact. I no longer smoke weed. I actually started smoking it around the time I stopped my medication, which was at age 15. Weed is definitely not the answer.

Sounds like something I would do… I ha e ADHD and I totally understand.

alpha_fhat 2

Can someone please tell me the difference (nicely) from ADD then ADHD?

ADD is where people have a hard time concentrating and can easily become distracted. For me, I could stare out the window all day if I don't take my ADD meds. For those with ADHD it's pretty much the same but with hyperactivity.

My psychiatrist says these days they pretty much consider ADD a subset of ADHD, calling it ADHD primarily distracted or something along those lines. It's probably just that the exact classification has altered to be one disorder that presents in different ways rather than two distinct disorders. Granted it's 7am and I haven't slept so my brain might be giving me bad info.

Tell your doctor! That probably means your dosage is too high. Lowering it even a little bit can do wonders.