By Anonymous - 25/09/2014 19:32 - United States - College Station

Today, I have such severe ADD that I can't focus without my medication. When I take the medication, I can only focus on one thing, but not necessarily the thing I need to be focusing on. I have a chem test soon, and I've been vacuuming my room for the past 4 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 751
You deserved it 4 980

Same thing different taste

Top comments

isabelf 17

At least your carpet will be clean...?

Good luck on the test! Remember that someone across the world is feeling bad for you xD And now you have a clean room!


ADD/ADHD... yet another "disorder" made up by Big Pharma to take responsibility away from the individual and line their pockets with cash. Procrastination and apathy are no more a disorder than being a disgusting fat blob is a disability. Grow up, grow a set, and take responsibility for yourselves

As someone who has ADD, the medication I took when I was a kid always made me depressed, to the point my parents just took me off it. I still have symptoms, like being easily distracted, and focusing problems, but I manage. Since there's no cure for it, it's just something we have to control. I wish you the best and hopefully you can study. I mean, I'm prone to procrastination, but how much of that is really part of the ADD?

You should try a different doctor or different medicine in general! As long as you pass it, even with a d you should be fine. Not like you need the class otherwise no?

Why did people choose "you deserved it" ? Because someone really can help and change the fact they have ADD and how their body reacts to medication? Logical.

askullnamedbilly 33

There are unfortunately quite a lot of jackasses who don't believe ADD actually exist. I'm assuming those people are blaming OP for taking medication instead of just making an effort to concentrate on their own.

People don't understand, you know why? Because I take my medication every day so that they don't see all the things that having ADD comes with. The difference of me on medication is like night and day. And most people don't really know just how bad it can get. I vote that for a month, none of us with ADD or ADHD take our medication, and just do, and say whatever we think or feel. Society will really believe in ADD and ADHD if that happened.

Personally, I think this has nothing to do with it. I think there is a group of people on here who just click YDI as a default response. People click YDI on just about every post...

And, as a comment to your posts, I think it is slightly different to what you are saying. (By the way, this is not posted to be an assh*le or anything, I do believe ADD or ADHD exists) I think there are people who believe the diagnosis is given to easily and people fall back to drugs too easily. Is your kid having problems focusing? Well, slap a label on it and blame ADD, now it is no longer your problem and responsibility as a parent... (Not meant to offend you or anything, I apologise if it does. Just my personal opinion due to personal experience in the matter)

I have the same problem, always study before you do anything else. ;)

thats not a side effect. thats normal. most people do not want to study chemistry and would rather do anything else.

I sure hope the test goes well but you did achieve a clean room

there's already a lot of chemistry going on your mind...

If you want I can come over and slap you in the face as hard as I can while yelling "Sit down and study!"