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By zephyrgk - 02/09/2013 01:15 - United States - Wilmington

Today, I was grounded by my dad for "popping pills like a gangbanger". I take prescription ADHD medicine and a multi-vitamin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 798
You deserved it 3 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everyday_Galaxy 14

I don't know, those sound like drugs a bad-ass gangbanger would take.

Zack6849 8

Bitches don't know bout my vitamins


Plot twist! OP's dad is a pill popping gangbanger himself!

Adderall is poor man's cocaine, OP if you find your pants starting to sag past your boxers seek professional help.

Where did this "Plot Twist" stuff come from?... If it came from the same place as YOLO and SWAG, then I understand.

But OP left out the word "my" prescription ADHD medication....hmmm Lindsay Lohan on FML possibly?

Maybe a "sick note" from your mum would help?...

This is her dad, not the principal at a school

TheDrifter 23

Which is why the note would be from mom not a doctor obviously.

Thank you 34. It was a play on words because a sick note from your mum meant you were legitimately ill.

Kn0wledge123 21

I think your pops been watching too much Breaking Bad

What does Breaking Bad have to do with this?

I feel like #3 is referring to the previous fml about the father who tore up his son's room looking for drugs because of that show

mrsnugglefunny 10
Everyday_Galaxy 14

I don't know, those sound like drugs a bad-ass gangbanger would take.

Zack6849 8

Bitches don't know bout my vitamins

Next time crush those pills OP and sprinkle it on your Lucky Charms like a "Real OG"

Well, the "multi" in "multivitamin" probably threw him off. You never know what can be in there. Unless you actually read the label.

Zack6849 8
SystemofaBlink41 27

I know, right? Who needs to know the daily dose? Fit all you can in your hand and swallow those bastards down with Vodka.

sleepRX 16

26: I know right?! reading the label of a multivitamin is mind boggling. a shampoo bottle, I can understand ;)