By Anonymous - 25/09/2014 19:32 - United States - College Station

Today, I have such severe ADD that I can't focus without my medication. When I take the medication, I can only focus on one thing, but not necessarily the thing I need to be focusing on. I have a chem test soon, and I've been vacuuming my room for the past 4 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 751
You deserved it 4 980

Same thing different taste

Top comments

isabelf 17

At least your carpet will be clean...?

Good luck on the test! Remember that someone across the world is feeling bad for you xD And now you have a clean room!


I feel ya! It's very hard for me to concentrate without my medication. But if you're only able to concentrate on one thing, I would advise you to talk to your doctor about it and see what other medications are available for you. I hope you did well on your exam!

i feel your pain there! good luck focusing on your test, tests with ADD are a bitch

As someone who was diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed ritalin and, later prozac, I mean it when I say ADD & ADHD aren't something for which you need medication. I am glad my family was too poor to afford the medication the child psychologist recommended, as I had friends who were diagnosed with similar disorders as children because their parents didn't want to believe their children weren't perfect. Those drugs mess you up and all you need is to learn some self-discipline and focus. It's normal to not be interested in things, especially when you haven't been given a reason to be interested in them. You need to either find a reason to care about the subject or just force yourself to STOP PROCRASTINATING because that is what you are doing. I had my fair share of trouble focusing, not to mention a serious procrastination problem growing up (still have them both to be honest). I had to get dropped on my butt a few times and fail once or twice without someone there to catch me or help me pick up the pieces before I learned to take responsibility. My friends however, turned out poorly as those drugs melt your brain. When they had a problem, they blamed their 'disorder' and never learned to control it so to this day they still can't focus - but it's 'not their fault' since they have an excuse so I guess it's ok... I am aware my opinion is not a popular one, but its my experience as someone who suffers from a similar affliction as the OP. Just trying to help, but let the downvoting commence.

ohishkabibble 21

With ADD/ADHD as severe as OP's seems to be, you need either cognitive-behavioral therapy, medication, or (ideally!) both. I don't buy this "you just need self-discipline" bullshit, because it's not that easy when you have severe ADD/ADHD. Without my medication or therapy, I would never have learned how to cope with my ADHD. The medications don't "melt your brain," and that's an asinine thing to say. It's people with your "pull yourself up by bootstraps" attitude that often make many ADD/ADHD sufferers feel worthless and pathetic for not being able to so easily overcome our learning disabilities by just sheer "willpower."

Extremely boring things become interesting when you try to staring at the wall.

Well, you could be scrubbing the floors and trip and break your neck. Always be positive!

Have you tried therapy? Therapy worked wonders for me and I can manage my ADHD without meds now.

Is there not another med you can try? Or maybe a smaller dose of your existing one? Seems like there's got to be a better way.