By badmom - 10/06/2009 18:09 - Canada

By badmom - 10/06/2009 18:09 - Canada
By It was the 11 year old - 21/07/2012 08:00 - United States - Austin
By Wmsys32pr9 - 30/03/2009 05:06 - United States
By Anonymous - 20/12/2014 22:42 - United Kingdom - Cambridge
By KayyElOh94 - 17/10/2014 22:30 - United States
By seriouslywtf - 28/04/2009 03:06 - United States
By PPP - 28/04/2015 15:05 - United States
By dad - 03/03/2009 22:28 - United States
By whoawhoawhoa - 28/12/2010 22:04 - Canada
By Jess - 30/05/2009 12:48 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/05/2015 20:41 - United Kingdom - Oundle
Actually, you're right~! I learned the middle finger at school at the lunch table in grade 1 >.> But I learned most of my swears form my parents.
god damn!
gotta love how there is a star on the word *******... but **** is left in the open like it is the less rude of the words
Mostly Everyone Learns There Curse Words From There Parents.
yeah... my mum always says c*nt is THE WORST word to say. EVER.
lol as Eminem says "and **** was the first word I ever learned up in the 3rd grade flipping the gym teacher the bird"
#717 agreed. I learned ALL of my swear words from either school or TV. Blame the DOE and TV.
wow their smart kids
lol am I the only one who thinks this is funny as hell??
why would u blame anything? these are signs of successful parenting!
wow. your name, it makes sense!
Lmaoo I was thinking the exaacttt same thing # 751!
I learned almost every curse word by kindergarten or 1st grade because of my dad being drunk.
this guy Is gay. ^
I can smell your britches and they're stinky, stinky britches.
i agree
I believe that is what the thumb up button is for. No need to waste comment space if you're not going to say anything other than "I agree".
What sort of vulgar environment are you raising your kids in? Or is it simply the way our schooling system has come to nowadays... FYL & YDI.
wow you must be bad, hit them up a bit that should teach them to say those words again, then was their mouth with soap
jesus. time to start paddlin' em
its not cuz of that...
Where on earth are they learning to talk to one another like that?!
I do believe highschool is worse
its an 8 year old jacking off what do ya expect
thts rly said op... ur son-HAHAHAHA Fyl! yes public skool and YOU teach ur kids these words! shut ur mouth sometimes! or say these words in a soundproof room.. stop the jacking: -surveillance cameras -get your son counselling -put him in solitary/tie his hands behind his back _HAPPY TO HELP! _HAPPY HELLOWEEN
hey some hobos have good grammar okay
Wow. I blame public schools? Harrr. :B
What sort of vulgar environment are you raising your kids in? Or is it simply the way our schooling system has come to nowadays... FYL & YDI.