By It was the 11 year old - 21/07/2012 08:00 - United States - Austin
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 16/08/2013 21:05 - United States - Nevada
By Anonymous - 19/01/2015 14:34 - United States - Lewiston
By Jess - 30/05/2009 12:48 - United States
By CallaC - 15/03/2012 02:01 - Canada
By Anonymous - 10/07/2013 16:38 - United States - Spencer
By caroline - 29/10/2015 20:02 - Germany
By Anonymous - 17/09/2014 21:57 - United States - Dewitt
The talk
By airplanes-suck - 21/08/2009 00:20 - United States
By mandybar15 - 14/12/2012 23:52 - United States - Norman
By aprouddaddy - 04/12/2014 23:46 - France - Paris
Top comments
Wow kids learn young now don't they?
At least it saves OP from going through the trouble of explaining it without weirding out his/her kids.
1 - He's most likely in grade 5/6, so he may have already started learning it in school. They start teaching it at around that age here... not sure how it is in another areas.
#1 there's something called public school.
Yeah but I mostly meant the 8 year old. That's not even double digits and she's getting the talk.
6- Even if they already know, or think they know, OP would be smart to talk to them about sex, puberty, etc. It's an important part of growing for you to hear that from a parent or a parental figure. An 11 year old doesn't fit that description. 7- It was 7th to 8th grade for us, but by then most of us had already had the talk with our parenrs.
Why does this not surprise me?
Now that I think about it, you're right. When I was in 6th grade, a woman came and gave us a speech about sex and std's. Huh, I never realized how young I was to e learning such things. O_O
Where I live we have Sex Ed. from grade five all the eat to grade 12.
Blame the education system.
Wow my parents never gave me "the talk", and they really don't need to at this point.
I think every kid gets traumatized the very second they learn WHERE the penis goes. There's no way to tell the kids without freaking them out. :P
They've started teaching 4th graders around where I live about STIs, and I think that's a little much. They don't understand any of it, and part of the reason is probably because the schools don't tell them HOW you can get STIs...
For as long as I can remember, I had a general idea of the differences between boys and girls and what it meant. My awkward moments only came when I got the talk and my parents were more nervous than I was, not realizing just how much I already knew. Of course I hadn't filled them in until after they were done.
90- same with me. I think most kids nowadays know basically everything without their parents. Sex and the body is everywhere now especially on tv.
1- Most professionals reccomend starting to talk to your kid about sex related topics as young as that can possibly understand them, or are curious about them. It will make them feel more comfortable to talk to you when they have questions later in life rather than going to friends or the Internet. Of course if your 4 year old has a question you would have to explain it to them in a way they would understand. But being honest and giving apporpriate information for the kids age is important. It shouldn't be one big talk it should be an ongoing conversation where they can talk to you and be open. Although many parents don't want to have to talk to there kids about sex.
At my school you start learning about puberty and such in fifth grade but don't learn about sex until seventh. And in grade eight was when we learned about the diseases like AIDS and so on. My school's a little behind.
And why would that be?
This new generation is going down the crap hole.
92 I wasn't freaked out when I found out about that at age 5
Ignorance is better than intelligence?
Well did he get it right?
From what I've heard about US sex ed, probably not.
16- yeah because only the United States has pregnant teens.
as much as I hate to say it, other countries have pregnant teens.. unless your comment was sarcasm O.o
#16 sounds like he means the fact that in the US teaching sex ed at all is controversial and that there are a sizable number of people who want to teach abstinence only because of kids don't know what sex is then they won't have it.
#16 is probably referring to the fact that sex Ed in the US is hit or miss. My local public school system will tell kids how the dick goes into the ******, but will not say that a condom over the dick or the girl taking the pill, cuts down the chances of getting pregnant. It's stupid really
It's not the Sex-ed program's fault that kids get pregnant. There will always be kids who think condoms are "stupid" or that losing your virginity as a teen is "cool".
Also the fact that I've heard people say they were taught that condoms are permeable. Which kinda misses the point of condoms and is also easily disproved by condom balloons. What's really worrying is that they're thinking of exporting these programmes.
Every country has pregnant teens, but a lot of schools don't teaches kids what they should be leaning earlier in life. First off, they teach kids that sex is penis into ******, but (at least this is how it is for me) I knew what sex was when I was 10 but I was never taught about sexually transmitted diseases and forms of birth control until I was 15. And also, some kids in my class in 10th grade thought that you can get pregnant on any day, they had no idea about ovulation. I think the real problem is that teenagers don't think about the consequences, and they feel almost invincible, like they can't get pregnant. Teenagers are going to have sex, so we should be teaching them from an early age (when they first find out what sex is; so between the ages of around 8-12) that sexually transmitted diseases are real and will ruin your life and that having children at a young age will be very hard on them.
I moved from a city to a small town when in high school. In the city, sex ed was properly taught. I don't think they were taught well in the small town. We once found a pack of birth control in the bathroom with just the weekends missing. When we returned it to her and asked her about it she said she only got to see her boyfriend on the weekends.
Actually what I was talking about was that 16 made it sound like the United States is the only country who has pregnant teens. Teen pregnancy has gotten more common everywhere. And some of it is the blame of parents and schools not teaching it properly. But people need to realize that if they feel they are old enough for sex then they should also be smart enough to realize the consequences of sex.
@88: Um women can get pregnant on 'any day.' Ovulation is different for every women, some ovulate longer, some shorter. I don't think teaching kids that having sex on 'some days' is safe, that's just downright stupid.
138: I think 88 was trying to say something more along the lines of "if you don't know how the parts work you shouldn't be using them". Yes, every woman is different but I believe 88 was attempting to highlight how poor the sex education these days is. Girls these days who believe they can get pregnant on any day don't know much about how their own bodies function and therefore shouldn't be having sex IMO.
Teen pregnancy is on the decline you dumb ass.
Have you even given it to him yet ?
I would assume not, since it's an FML. It's a lot less funny if he already had the talk as well.
I know what sex was when I was like 8, and my friends did too, and I feel like a lot of people knew what sex was at a pretty young age.
None of the other 8 year olds I knew when I was 8, knew what sex was. I think at 8 (or 11) you may know about babies and sex, but you definitely don't or shouldn't know/understand what sex fully is. OP step in there, quick! Since they're both talking about it, give them the sex talk now before somebody else gives them wrong information!
That's messed up.
Why is this messed up? It's natural!
It's not natural for a child of 8 to be given the sex talk. Why would they need to know at that age? They most likely haven't even hit puberty yet.
Children talk about it, but not on a high scale. It's nothing to worry about!
They're going to find out about it sooner or later anyway, so I don't really see the harm in telling them
52- Back when my mom was teaching me about all this jazz she told me she hit puberty at age 8... Different people have different genes!!
I remember my best friend explaining what sex was to me when we were 8. It did not ruin my life in any way. It's really not that big of a deal for them to learn about and chances are both of them did not know anything substantial.
Thank you #123
To make it clear I think it's messed up for a brother to be teaching his sister about anything sexual. I'm not talking about the age. >.<
They're starting young in Texas! I suppose you don't have to give your 8 year old the sex talk when she's older.
Canada's invading America! I knew those kanuks were up to something.
And they're starting in Texas!
76 - Texas is really one of the best places for them to start, a northern border state would be to obvious. The only good option would be Hawaii, except for the fact that it doesn't border any other states.
Just ion case you didn't notice. 32s profile said he's from canada. That's where that came from.
It's doctor Oreo to you, 121.
At least there being aware. Although, you might want to sit your son down for the "post sex" talk. Along with the "let's not ruin your sisters childhood" talk.
I hope that you meant the "post sex talk talk" and not the "post sex talk". It's a little ambiguous.
Your son is clearly no stranger to the internet.
He might not be a stranger to the female anatomy.
Yes, you may be right. But the Internet might have nothing to do with it at all. It states that he is 11 so, I'm guessing he is in fifth or sixth grade, and that's usually when kids learn about it in school.
let's just hope she's relaying the right information :P
Learning about sex doesn't ruin one's childhood. In fact, I'm rather shocked that an eight-year-old wouldn't have had some form of "the talk" already. I know I knew the basics of sex by then, as did my younger brother. I would definitely sit down with both of them to clear up any possible misconceptions and make sure they both have the facts, though.
That's true, but it's not something you should hear for the first time from your older brother, who probably doesn't have all the facts straight himself.
My parents never gave me the talk, but theres classes about it 7/8th grade here.
True, which is part of the reason why I support talking to your kids about sex early on. That way they know the facts and you can be straight with them regarding what they should and should not talk about with each other at varying developmental stages.
I believe in learning at a young age. My first human growth and development lesson was in 4th grade; we were 9. Then after every class, I would go home and talk to my mom where she elaborated and answered any questions I had.
You should thank him for taking that weight off your shoulders. I dread having the talk with my kids. I think it'll go something like this: Bastard Jr: Dad, where do babies come from? Me: The same place you came from...Home Depot. Bastard Jr: Really?? Me: Absolutely. I found you on sale for 4.99 between the shovels and rakes. Now go tell your sister.
My mom told me the exact same thing when I was young! Damn.
I was always told I was a dumpster baby.
My parents told me and my brothers the same thing when we were younger! Except since I'm supposedly the "smart" one, I was told that they got me at Smart and Final and bought my brothers at Target and Wal-Mart. :D we knew they were kidding, but it was still funny and we played along. :)
My mom left to go get nuts for winter and never returned. Turns out, she got a roll in some retarded chipmunk movie.
My parents told me that I came from the damaged goods section...

Wow kids learn young now don't they?
Well did he get it right?