By Anonymous - 06/07/2010 06:11 - United States

Today, I held the door open for an old man in a motorized wheelchair. He missed the door, hit my foot, and called me an asshole for getting in his way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 479
You deserved it 39

Top comments

If he's gonna be an asshole about it, just push him out of his chair and say, "Why yes, I am an asshole. Bitch."


glitchedgamer 0

Once I'm old, I'm taking advantage of it and be a complete dick to everybody. what're they gonna do, punch an old guy? They just have to sit there while I tell them about the iPods we had back in my day.

It doesn't matter he is disabled, if he treats you like that you need to do something. Many members of my family are disabled and would prefer to be treated the same, in good and bad situations. Also, I would slammed that door on his F**king Face. >:D

EsteeCee 4
coolbrony12 3

He clearly didn't deserve your help. I hope he doesn't get any more people to help him like you did. Exactly why we need more people like you in this cold cruel world. Good job trying to be nice

Sounds like it's not just his legs that don't work the way they should.

Wow how sweet he nearly broke your foot and your the asshole for helping his cranky ass

hateevryone 14

I wouldn't have held shit open for him.

Not all old people are assholes, many are very nice. Just like the fact that not all young people are courteous and kind, such as people who generalize that all old people are grouchy and mean based on a few who are, and refuse to help any of them because of those few who are assholes.

Retards are happy, ignorant assholes frown at their own peter