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By anon - 23/03/2011 04:56

Today, I walked in on one of my housemates pissing in the kitchen sink full of dirty dishes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 736
You deserved it 3 934

Same thing different taste

Top comments

looks like someone is going dish shopping.

FMLephant 2

He was just pre-soaking the dishes. Dried on food can be a bitch to remove.


looks like someone is going dish shopping.

I would go "housemate" shopping first. That is disgusting.

this fml it's from the movie "what happen in Vegas" when Ashton pees on the sink full of dishes but if is real ugh who does that? or why?

don't throw away your dishes op!! before you get new ones, wash the old ones and then donate them to a soup kitchen or something ;)

Autoshot 9

just wash the ******* dishes and put them back in the cabinet. you people are ******* stupid.

bfad2010 0

maybe they were just saving on water?

tayymeds 23
Ali_Br_fml 33

Girls can't aim. Unless she was on the counter, crouching awkwardly over the sink...

probably the girl from the fml with the toilet paper pissing in the sink and since she didnt have any she was gonna rinse herself out

Guys are not nasty, they are inventive.

@ 24 girls can aim it just takes practice

thts kinda NASTY hey thts 1 special way of washing dishes!!!! LOL

Azarjan 0

Selling 10 dishes stained yellow from many washes, good quality 10.99.

Ali_Br_fml 33

Ok, ok sorry! I was just trying to picture a girl balancing over a sink while peeing (my autocorrect kept trying to make it purring) without messing herself up or falling in, and couldn't, so I assumed it was a guy. All he had to do is stand there with his penis in his hands and aim. It just seems like too much of a hassle, and too much work for a female to do. So fine, some guys, or your housemate, who could be a female can be so nasty.

nellyphant 18

Someone I know found their female housemate pissing in the sink once! No dishes in it but still

and both are sterile. still pretty gross and I would smash a plate over your housemates head

You should smash him with the piss covered one

lemoncows 2

at least they were already dirty.

oh... you took the picture down! lmao now I look like a dick ha! ummm I wasn't the only one that saw her pic with her boobs and ****** out in front of her bathroom sink was I? lol

haha I was pissing myself laughing... but as soon as I wrote it, she took it down... now I look like a liar! well being an Aussie... she had a cool tan :) lol

yeah I seen that too your not crazy Queensland women there all insane

easy? yes... yes they are! lucky I'm from Melbourne... lol how fitting to the post tho.. she had her vag right near her sink lmao

what is wrong with Queensland? pay out Tasmania, or Adelaide!!! :-)

Alex94xela 0

I missed the **** picture was it hot? fml

Alex94xela 0

Nooooo I missed it FML re put up pic please

lol Aussies are always hot... so yes.. she had big ass fake boobs too... nothing is wrong with QLD itself... chicks are easy there tho! lol leave TAS alone... they keep to themselves and in the family! lol

76 - Aussies are not always hot. There is a mix of attractive and unattractive people in any country/state/continent. Also, big fake boobs make a person less hot. Just my opinion.

Washing dishes does not make them clinically hygienic either. Besides people.... what's a little pee between close friends?

not everything is meant to be taken so god damn seriously... I think Aussies are always hot.. my bias opinion! I don't really know if they are fake, they were huge on a small frame so I assume so... she was tanned, fit, naked and had big boobs... so I'm sticking to it lol

Randuhh_17 4

lol....and that also fits the description of someone who could be on Jersey shore.....there are alot of those everywhere....

I think the fact that they're dirty means that now someone has to put their hands in the sink to wash said dishes....Where the piss is. Hence, FML.

Says a girl. Are you a lesbian? If not you're opinion about the attractiveness of girls isn't valid.

ummmm everyone has an opinion. whether yours is the same or not, I'm entitled to mine!

Actually, females do rate other women on how pretty they are whether they're straight or not. "Oh, I like her hair!" "Oh, she's pretty!" "Insert other compliment here." I am not lesbian; I am not bisexual. But I can still give a general opinion on whether a person is attractive or not. The media feeds us what "attractive" is supposed to look like, anyway. My entire point was that you can't make a generalization about a whole country/city/province/state/continent because you haven't met everyone in the area. I'm Canadian, and proud to be. I do not go around saying every Canadian is attractive because it's simply not true. Wherever you go, there's going to be at least a few (and that's understating) unattractive people. She's thinking unrealistically. If I showed her a picture of an unattractive Aussie, I'm almost positive she'd agree and say they're unattractive, thus throwing her "point" out the window.

wow, you really take things a tad serious don't you? lol I'm not going to argue with you over something that really has no substance as I was obviously just throwing it out there as a passing comment!

I only take things seriously when people are being morons. You can't make a blanket statement like that and expect everyone to agree with you.

JustinThunder 8

That's nasty, but I guess he just couldn't hold it in.

Eyez_Mesmerize 0

yeah but the nasty motherf*cker could've went pee outside as a last resort . The person obviously has no type of home training .

CateXOX 0

Better than on the floor right?

not really the floor would be easier to clean and it's ment to have dirty things on it and ppl don't wash things on it

dahlber 0

already did that too with a friend but it was at a dorm room party and everyone was downstairs and there were no toilets close to the kitchen, so we peed in the sink. there was even a slice of pizza in it at that moment lol. shame.. but when there's an urge..

ulicksam 0

#7, you're a nasty pig. No toilets close to the kitchen? So walk a bit you degenerate.

Bofferding, I'm so sorry to hear that you have a tiny penis. "How did you know it's so tiny?" you ask? I have no idea, but it makes just as much sense as peeing in the sink rather than walking outside and finding a tree.

Epic_Phale615 0

Pissing on a tree is always fun, but since i live in maine, drawing in the snow with your piss is the shit xD.

no wonder those dishes are dirty and food ate off of them taste funny