By DidntCheckTheCalendar - 03/12/2009 22:29 - Kuwait

Today, I hired a professional makeup artist to apply my makeup for a wedding. After paying her $500 for the excellent job she does, and getting dressed, I grabbed the invitation to check out the address, and it said the wedding was on December 2. Today is December 3. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 806
You deserved it 60 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You spend 500 bucks to look good on the wedding of a (I'm assuming) friend? YDI for trying to out-shine the bride.


ok. why should i be musing out loud about paris hilton's manicure? either way if she spent 500 dollars on it, that's dumb, as well. i just think it's funny that the both of you actually bothered trying to make this woman feel better about herself. regardless of the fact that she spent 500 dollars on make-up, she should have looked at a ******* calendar. if she's gonna be spending that kinda money she better make sure it's worth it.

I had my sister do my hair and my best friend do my makeup for a wedding, for free, and it was awesome. Also, I WAS THE BRIDE.

Like OMG no way! ______________________________

sooo just dont shower, and dont sweat touch ur face.. nd ur good to goooo. lol

TheWaaaaambulanc 0

@95 Good man. (can't directly reply because of iPhone)

weddingbelle 0

That's what you get for trying to outshine the bride.

and to that ashlee girl who likes lots of letters-it hurts my eyes when you type like that :( and i think the op is probably some jealous, lonely, rich bitch who can afford what every she wants. but money usually can't pay for a man. unless he is a male gold digger or a male prostitute. might want to look into getting one of those, op. :)

Fabby_fml 2

Anyone who spends $500 on makeup for a wedding that isn't even theirs deserves to lose all their money.

Maybe she's trying to impress guys, although I say it's all about natural beauty as opposed to makeup. ___________________________________

dynamiteroll 0

This is bs. I'm a makeup artist and I would never charge someone $500 to get their makeup done, especially if they're just a guest at the wedding. If this is true, YDI for being an idiot with your money.

perfectwinds 0

Then you're obviously not THAT good.

Has anyone considered that the OP did the currency exchange for us and it was actually 142 KWD? This, of course, still makes the OP a dumbass for spending that much on make-up. JUST DO IT YOURSELF, DAMMIT.