By DidntCheckTheCalendar - 03/12/2009 22:29 - Kuwait
Same thing different taste
A real pro
By weddingplannerlyfe - 16/09/2022 21:00
The main characters
By sarsuela - 08/07/2021 04:01
By Anonymous - 27/06/2013 12:13 - United Kingdom
By notmarriedyet - 01/10/2009 13:28 - United States
The best day of your life
By squirt - 05/07/2009 16:48 - United States
By Anon - 23/07/2015 11:53 - United States - Sacramento
By Sarah-Louise James - 29/04/2019 12:00
By badbride - 26/07/2011 17:11 - United States
By weddingcrashed - 19/09/2009 21:04 - United States
By Guntherdog - 27/06/2013 15:17 - United States
Top comments
You paid MONEY for makeup to a wedding that WASN'T YOURS? YDI!!!!
#84 where did your response even come from? #11 did not judge at all. They just said it seemed like a lot of money and even added, "if you have the money spend it how you want," showing that they were not judging how the OP spent the money. They just thought it seemed like a large amount. Which seems to be the general thought from looking at the other responses.
I mean if she wanted to look really hot and paid that kind of money for it that's her prerogative. Hope it turned out say it looked awesome. I know whenever I'm looking forward to a specific date I typically know what day of the week it's going to be on. If you put that much effort into looking good you should have known the date and even where you were going..come on now. I'm not sure if it was a Wednesday over there because it is a different time zone. Not sure how that works. I'm sure you probably won't make that mistake again.
Damn, I don't think I'd spend half that much, hell, a QUARTER of that much money getting my makeup done even if I was the freakin BRIDE.
I don't get all of the responses about weddings not being on Wednesdays. It's very common for someone to have a specific date for their wedding regardless of what day of the week it lands on. My wife and I got married on a Tuesday, we chose it because it was the anniversary of my grandparent's marriage and we wanted to somehow include my grandmother (who was dead) and honor the strong union that they had together. I was not going to stay engaged for another 4 to 5 years just so the date would fall on a weekend. Plus the OP is in a country that has a completely different culture and religious following than most of ours. It may be common there, for all we know it may be strange to them that we get married on weekends. So how does the day of the week make this an obvious fake? I understand people being confused by it, but it does not make it fake.
omg. $500 for makeup? i'm sorry, but you deserve every bad thing that ever happens to you in the remainder of your life, ever, just for that. what the crap. imagine all the things you could have done with that $500 that actually would have benefited people other than yourself. i'm guessing the reason no one asked where you were on the 2nd is because no one missed your conceited ass.
Who cares? Society today is selfish, don't try to tell me its not because you'll just be lying to yourself. If the OP had the money and wanted to spend $500 on make-up that's her issue, and she's entitled to make that decision. I hate hearing people talk about how that money could have gone to help other people. I'd bet $1000 on the fact that you guys would NOT use $500 you had to help others, but instead buy something for yourself. Selfish? Maybe, but that's life. ******* deal with it and shut the hell up already.
MAKEUP. makeup! i need my computer for my job, i use it every day, and it makes ME money - it's an investment. this woman spent $500 on makeup that she'd wash off in a day. there's a little thing called VALUE that needs to be examined here!! and thanks for playing, assumption queen, but i donate quite a bit of my money. i'm amused by your attempts to dismiss actually having to think about donating and community service, though. "everyone ELSE is it must be ok! cool!"
why in the heck did you pay $500 for makeup!! lol and also what does OP mean?
I wanted to know what OP meant... i been usin it cos i didnt wanna look stoopid hahah! But seriously 500 smackeroonis on slap?? Are ya one o them people with the really big faces? Or are ya a little bit fugly? Just slap on some eyeliner n rouge... au natrel is the way to go..
yea haha idk i wanna know what it means now
im not sure, but i decided for myself that it means "original poster" ???
You spend 500 bucks to look good on the wedding of a (I'm assuming) friend? YDI for trying to out-shine the bride.
At least it wasn't your wedding :D