By DidntCheckTheCalendar - 03/12/2009 22:29 - Kuwait

Today, I hired a professional makeup artist to apply my makeup for a wedding. After paying her $500 for the excellent job she does, and getting dressed, I grabbed the invitation to check out the address, and it said the wedding was on December 2. Today is December 3. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 806
You deserved it 60 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You spend 500 bucks to look good on the wedding of a (I'm assuming) friend? YDI for trying to out-shine the bride.


YDI for that amount of money you can follow a coyrse or clinic on how to apply makeup! This is just ridiculous. Not to mention the fact that you've misread an invitation.

I wanted to clarify a couple of issues: 1. Stop being ignorant, you obviously do not know anything about Kuwait, because if you did, you would not say our currency= goats (#67) but that made me laugh for a good half an hour :)! 2. She is not being a bitch, *****, or ****. 3. Kuwait has a completely different culture than most places. In weddings, it is not mixed women attend alone and men attend alone so she is not trying to impress a man. 4. To the OP, that sucks, I am sorry 5. This is by far the most entertaining thread I ever read on this site, so thanks everyone for making me laugh :)!

why would you put so much effort into applying make up when it isn't your wedding!? :S YDI

I'm a Makeup Artist, and i'd totally charge $500 if someone was willing to pay it :D

$500? FIVE ******* HUNDRED DOLLARS???? You deserved it.

Who the hell pays $500 for make-up for a wedding which wasn't even their own??? As far as I can tell, she didn't even have a role as a bridesmaid, so it wasn't as if anyone would see her and care. What a ******* ugly idiot.

ElMundio87 0

Well you just said pretty much what was going through my head as i was scrolling to the bottom of the page, so I'll just second this comment

ElMundio87 0

#84 OK, paris hilton is an idiot spender who is a cancer upon our society Happy now?

YDI for spending that much money getting dressed up for a wedding that isn't yours.