By Ashleigh - 02/03/2012 22:53 - Australia

Today, I installed an alarm app on my phone. Turns out, to unlock the phone and get the ringing to stop, I have to answer a maths question. It took me ten minutes to get it right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 920
You deserved it 33 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hmmm. That seems like..... Quite a problem......

gahj 11

Lol what is that app called it's pretty cool and btw YDI for not knowing math


****, I can't even keep both eyes open for atleast 5 minutes, and it would expect me to do math?!

isofia85 0

You know that iPhones HAVE an alarm clock app already... Right?

#105 they never said iphone but ya phones do alredy have alarms on them

To be fair to OP, I'm fairly good at Math, but can't do it five seconds after being woken up by a loud, obnoxious sound, while the obnoxious sound is still blaring into my half-awake brain. So, I would have the exact same problem. I would probably end up in tears.

kshafer08 7

Never knew it took 10 minutes to solve 1+1. Retard

That sucks, but I actually think that's the point... Maybe it's good, maybe it can help you wake up on time? :)

Why do u need an alarm app if you have an Ipone? They should have an average I.Q requirment to purchase certain phones lol

KiddNYC1O 20

Too bad it's a "Maths" question and not an English one.

i have that app! sometimes it takes me a while too... but that's at 6 am, and i answer three of them. :p