By Anonymous - 14/11/2011 05:23 - United States
Same thing different taste
By mandie - 13/11/2011 17:10 - United States
By Anonymous - 30/06/2011 07:24 - Finland
By octoberrain - 10/10/2011 23:16 - United States
By Anonymous - 22/10/2011 01:33 - United States
Awkward much?
By iskalion - 10/10/2015 05:39 - Canada - Grande Prairie
By Anonymous - 28/09/2009 16:28 - United States
Great, just great
By Norwegian - 02/06/2012 16:55 - Norway
By Partners - 22/06/2015 19:55 - United States - Alpharetta
By Karim - 12/12/2012 05:29 - France - Aix-en-provence
By Anonymous - 12/06/2016 12:37 - United States - Las Vegas
Top comments
First retard to post you mean?
So I guess I'm also "communist" according to your uncle..
Wait... WTF happen to the first 3 comments? What did they say?
Asians are awesome
OP is dating a hot Asian chick so he wins
Yea communism ftw!! OP's uncle, u mad?
Its better to date a communist than a terrorist... especially the type who compel their children to strap on a bomb-vest.
Chairman Mao will lead the way Chairman Mao knows whats bestM
I don't see how being a communist is bad
so true 110/farside
ahh i couldnt help but laugh at this one
Rather a communist atleast then a republican, thank god that my country doesn't have republicans
Same here...
Same here...
105 - I can't tell if you're trolling or retarded.
oh I'm a communist then...
Oh idk either. I mean what's wrong with kling millions of jews?? Oh and let's not forget about tianem square.
As long as your love is strong, ignore your crazy ass uncle. He's living in the past and this is the future so he can shut the hell up.
People need to get with the times. Racism just isn't acceptable anymore.
Okay.. but China is still a Communist state.. which has noting to do with race.
Old people have to stop living in the past. Racism is totally unacceptable now.
Assuming that someone is Communist based on where they're from definitely IS racist.
This isn't the future it's actually the present
China is not exactly a communist state either considering that it has a free market economy...
59- but stereotyping every Chinese to be communist kinda is
56 wen did china become a state??
56- I thought china was a country...... When did it become a state????
"State commonly refers to either the present condition of a system or entity, or to a governed entity (such as a country) or sub-entity (such as a province or region)." State and country can be used interchangeably. Sigh. Thanks for proving American haters that we are mostly retarded.
what's a communistretard? it sounds like an over-complicated item of clothing worn by a gymnast...
@50... get with the times fucktard. Ignorance just isn't acceptable anymore.
Well it's not entirely wrong to think that. Most people would assume Americans are capitalists of a liberal democracy. While they may be wrong for some, that's the average American. What IS wrong is assuming that there is something wrong with being communist. You may not want that as your government but it doesn't make some one a bad person.
At least he didn't say eggroll...
At least he didn't say eggroll...
I have seven of them. Go me!
That "communist" is waaaay better than his wife and he's jealous
Well that is quite the unwarranted assumption.
17, communism isn't a race. Cubans and Chinese don't look alike because of their political practice.
yes 22 but Chinese is a race and the uncle assumed all Chinese people are Communist based on her race
I thought Chine was a nationality and that Mongoloid would be the race.
Chinese* would be a nationality Mongolian* is a race too. Mongoloid is not a race, it is an insult coming from the word "mong", an insult meaning someone has down's syndrome. I suggest you never ask someone if they're a mongoloid.
I meant to type Chinese. Sorry, iphone typo. And mongoloid comes from Mongol and the suffix "oid". It doesn't mean someone with down's syndrome. "mon·gol·oid/ˈmäNGgəˌloid/ Noun:A person of a Mongoloid physical type. Adjective:Of or relating to the broad division of humankind including the indigenous peoples of eastern Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Arctic region of North America. "
Oh and Mongolian is the nationality of the Mongolia country and people.
116 - Actually, yetanotherginger is also right, because the words "Mong" and "Mongoloid" are used by very stupid people to describe or bully someone with Down Syndrome in the UK (negative slang). You are in the US so if you were ever to visit any part of the UK don't expect the person to be happy if you refer to them as "mongoloid."
My uncle is the same. They always have something to say even if no one wants to hear it. Ignore him, and you and your girlfriend be happy together :)
Does your uncle happen to be Rick Perry?
No I think it's Rick Perry, I can even give you three reasons. 1. He's racist... 2.....uh...he...sounds ignorant? 3....umm...hmm...uh...well I can't think of a third one...woops
43 If he was Herman Cain he would have told her she was pretty then reached up her skirt, after which he would pay her to sign a confidentiality waiver.
Throw a cabbage at his face.
No!! My cabbages!!!!
Want a beetroot thrown at your kneecaps? I'll do it mate. Don't test me.
USA, doesn't know a vegetable, Jesus...
I remember watching an episode of rugrats when I was younger and they called it beetroot though. The character was Polish, but the show itself is American.
I hate asshole family members like that. Joking or not, it's very disrespectful.

So I guess I'm also "communist" according to your uncle..
We all have that one crazy uncle we don't know whether to love or hate.