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By ish0rty - 14/11/2011 08:42 - United States

Today, my social awkwardness is so bad, I was actually proud of myself for managing to ask someone a question. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 055
You deserved it 5 002

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm just like that. But be proud! It's baby steps, and before you know it you'll be able to do anything :) I, unfortunately, am not able to ask a stranger a question yet. But once again, baby steps! Good luck :)


Unfortunately, asking a complete stranger "Hi, how are you?" while looking at the ground hardly counts as a conversation.

HowAreYouToday 34

Yea, but I'm sure that is not what op means...

And I'm sure you don't understand sarcasm...(#4)

rexgar2000 10

Or maybe he said "hi how are you?" and the person didnt reply, now that'll be sad.

I'm just like that. But be proud! It's baby steps, and before you know it you'll be able to do anything :) I, unfortunately, am not able to ask a stranger a question yet. But once again, baby steps! Good luck :)

rexgar2000 10

how the **** did you het a triple post?! that happens very rarely. how come I'm not the lucky one.

Torva_fml 16

I failed, that's how :( (scroll down)

Clearly no one understands doc's sarcasm. I can fix all of your sarcasmeters right now for $600 right now.

itschubbycake 6

Would if the question was "Let have sex?".

Sounds more like social anxiety than just plain awkwardness. I'm surprised Docbastard would appear so harsh!

I know the feeling OP, we're suffering from SAD! ( Socially Awkward Disorder )

Sounds like you need a selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, OP. It helped me.

Bobissmall - Me? Harsh? Never! I WAS a little surprised I was getting voted down into oblivion, but having read through the comments, it seems that social anxiety is rather prevalent among FML commenters, and it appears to be nothing to joke about. It's a shame that some people can't laugh at themselves.

KiddNYC1O 20

36- Okay, let's not justify a poor comment. We all post one from time to time.

DKParth13 5

1- it's funny because your profile said no stupid comments!

I don't think it was a particularly stupid comment. Insensitive to those with social anxiety, bad maybe, but not stupid. I'm not immune to making bad comments. Obviously.

DropDeadBlaze 0

Wow, way to be a total ******* tool.

ExNL_WaRRioR 0

It's your fault for being socially awkward. Grow a pair.

Jvr91 8

I thumbed it up! But I'm not soft like 40 and counting people are

ChilledDubstepa 6

I never thought that I would see the day that DocBastard was thumbed down.

Shit kids, my SAD drives me insane, but I still thumbed Doc's comment up, I don't know why he's thumbed down.

koolkat27 13

121- it's not ops fault! obviously your too stupid to realize that op could have SAD (social anxiety disorder) and people can't control it. next time, don't be such an insensitive asshat.

what if the person said **** off instead?

1 - You were funny, but now you act like an ass because you know everyone will vote you up. Not cool..


Did you at least get an answer?

Really, thumbed down for that? Is "socially awkward penguin" that obscure of a meme?

phoenixslayer69 4

Shame, it was so awkward I couldn't reply...

Badab1ng 5

Was the question "can I butter your biscuits?"

13FTW 9

That's always a good conversation starter. Especially for the socially awkward.

m0tl3ycru3 0

*at the carwash* can i give you a rimjob?

omggtfomi 1