By UHM - 06/10/2013 21:54 - United States
Same thing different taste
By leahrb - 24/02/2016 18:55 - United States - Wilmington
By Karim - 12/12/2012 05:29 - France - Aix-en-provence
By Jes_jes18 - 02/05/2013 18:27 - United States
By Anonymous - 27/04/2009 05:35 - United States
By oliverP123 - 22/07/2011 04:11 - United States
By bregaja - 25/02/2016 18:59 - United States - Brandon
By spanishsucks - 01/04/2012 03:01 - United States - Livingston
Still the same
By John Doe - 10/01/2020 05:00
By Anonymous - 23/04/2012 05:50 - United States - Harrison
Stacy's Mom
By Anonymous - 26/08/2024 13:00 - United States
Top comments
Thank you mom! Uncomfortable a little lol
An average amount.
Nope not at all... Typical Tuesday afternoon for me
can you spell A-W-K-W-A-R-D? ;P
breast luck next time
Why do people still write these comments?
#17, because no one tries to make better puns/comments. Instead they're just like you, questioning the pun instead of trying to do better. (: or at least just thumb it down and move on.
Some puns will never be retired, they're definitely not funny anymore, but they're classics. I'd prefer seeing a stupid pun as a comment rather than some new stupid ass Internet trend. I'm glad us fmlers share a common goal in eliminating the hash tag comments! Hell, I haven't seen one of those in months. Then that "plot twist" bullshit ran rampant for a day or so, and again, we had none of that. Stay classy, fml.
don't be such a boob
don't use fake insults. also, don't try to learn things on Nickelodeon.
plot twist: the plot twists WILL return... soon
Try breastfeeding? Doesn't make him a mama's boy
You suck
Wow! So much hate people...
#85 if you are going to uselessly add on to this stream of comments and call a girl fat based on her picture, which she doesn't look fat in at all.. maybe she should say no to thirds? Maybe you should say yes to a coat? Or is your blubber keeping you warm? Now its your turn to hate on my picture.. oh wait you can't :/.. DICK
I kind of, I said KIND OF, agree with 85 a little.. if she's going to judge someone by their picture, that isn't right. But judging back isn't very nice either.
stewie604 is still a fuckface though. Making fun of people's weight or looks is a shitty thing to do, especially when they're grown men trying to put younger people down, it's just pathetic.
am I the only one who thought #5's pic was cute and quirky?
Aren't we all technically "mama's boy" (or girl for that matter)?
That Is Awesome!! LoL
I think the mom was just trying to diffuse the situation and the son took it the wrong way...
It's just a joke. Your mom has a sense of humor. Laugh a little, people.
Well, I laughed, amongst many other people, so we all must be gross and sick
I LAUGHED my A$$ OFF. I wish my mom would do that! Lololololol Then later, I would definitely be sucking on my GF breasts :D It was obviously a lame attempt to break them up, but in my case it would only drive us closer together. Hahahaha. Of course we already know my mom is crazy and so does my GF. That would totally be the icing on the cake. Lol.

Wow your mother has issues.
I think his mom is a bit ovary protective.