By Anonymous - 02/05/2018 19:00

Today, I introduced myself, Pete, to my new coworkers at a shipyard. An hour into my shift, everyone started calling me "re-Pete" because I have a bit of a stutter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 839
You deserved it 330

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Actually, if they bothered to give you a nickname, even if it’s insulting, you’re “in.” Be a good sport about it, and you’ll be fine. Or, just tell them to “F-f-f-**** off!!”


lukesick1 12

That there's harassment. Payback in the form of H.R. Can help

You probably don't make friends at work often do you?

lukesick1 12

Not if they are making fun of someone's disability.

lukesick1 12

I mean honestly how would you like to deal with something your whole life to have the place you go to most ridicule you for it?

How would I like it? I've been in the military for over 7 years with two deployments. I've heard my fair share of messed up yet funny nicknames. Unless it's truly degrading/ discriminating or really going to far people need to thicken their skin so to speak. Don't run to HR to solve all your problems.

Actually, if they bothered to give you a nickname, even if it’s insulting, you’re “in.” Be a good sport about it, and you’ll be fine. Or, just tell them to “F-f-f-**** off!!”

Perhaps it is you, Ms. Moghal, that should go rub one out!

Zekfen 17

Pete and re-Pete were in a boat. Pete fell out, who is left?

manb91uk 22

I imagine this joke gets pretty tired very quickly, I imagine this joke gets pretty tired very quickly, I imagine this joke gets pretty tired very quickly.

I didn't get that can you say it again? e_e

I believe there's a South Park episode that can explain this for you. It's called "Here comes the Neighborhood".

Lobby_Bee 17

Come on, you work at a shipyard and I bet it's 95% men. It's just a way men bond, giving each other stupid names..

I know a lot of people will say don't let it get to you, but this could be considered workplace harassment.

Well at least you don't have to fear falling out of a boat.