By WhatAKeeper - 02/05/2018 15:00 - Denmark

Today, my boyfriend accused me of ruining his life by getting pregnant. Apparently, the "love of his life" has now left him, and it's all my fault. I thought we were monogamous. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 746
You deserved it 397

Top comments

LycaonVI 6

what a shame. sorry to hear that OP. My advice to you is to give yourself some alone time. figure out If you want to have the baby or not (not a easy decision) whatever is best for you. If you do keep it you need to talk to your bf your intentions and if he doesn't imply then you have to get child support. As far as your relationship move on because you deserve someone better than him. It sucks but you have to do what's best for your you and your child.

Maybe he shouldn't cheat on the love of his life to begin with?


Zekfen 17

In this day and age, if you haven’t had the talk, then assume he is sleeping with other people.

Why would you assume they hadn't? Cheaters lie.

I assume they didn't because OP said she "thought" they were monogamous, which implies they thought differently. This would mean they never officially clarified it. Also, OP specifically did not use the word "cheater," so why would you assume he is a cheater? It isn't cheating if you are in a polygamous relationship, which he obviously thought they were. It's a perfect example of why communication is important if you want a good relationship that lasts.

That is a bleak outlook. He was having sex - a relation - with her, without letting her know that he had other goals, while her goals (ie, being in a monogamous relationship) were right on the money based on what she knew and what he chose to show her, he did not disabuse her idea of being in monogamous relationship obviously. He just seemed to have forgotten that there might be repercussions to his cheating behaviour and doesn't want to own up to his part in it. "The love of his life"? Ha! Sure. He cheated. On *both* of them. How is that for love?\

And, "the talk" that you are referring to, that makes this kind of deceit pass your door... Please? What are these magical words that makes somebody *not* cheat on somebody by just asking them?

You cockblocked your boyfriend! That’s not nice.

I know another thing that is not nice. Guess...

I laughed way too hard at this. I'm pregnant. bitch- you cockblocked me. whatever, I think it's funny

Your punctuation leaves it open to a lot of different interpretations. Was it sarcasm? I can't even tell who you were responding to. But I'm also not sure how to take this site in general, my bad. Is this supposed to be a site about people anonymously sharing and then people being witty and clever about it?

What's funny? What's so hilarious. I don't get it. Am I supposed to accept that you find it hilarious that a woman gets pregnant and gets crushed food for hilarity in an entertaining way?

LycaonVI 6

what a shame. sorry to hear that OP. My advice to you is to give yourself some alone time. figure out If you want to have the baby or not (not a easy decision) whatever is best for you. If you do keep it you need to talk to your bf your intentions and if he doesn't imply then you have to get child support. As far as your relationship move on because you deserve someone better than him. It sucks but you have to do what's best for your you and your child.

SailorSolaris 43

Even if she doesn’t want the child, there is always the option of giving it up for adoption.

LycaonVI 6

Yeah that is true. that's what I meant whatever is best.

It's not like a baby is some ice cream you just want or not. She has to grow it inside her for 40 weeks!

Two stories about cheating partners in a row? Is it really that hard to leave somebody when you don't like them anymore?

What? Some people want to have their loved ones cheating on them? Explain.

smh. the cheaters want both not the person being cheated on Geezum.

Well now you're having his baby hopefully he'll prioritize you from now on.

The word "thought" bothers me. If I was cheated on, I wouldn't say, "I thought we were monogamous", I would just know. This is one of the first things you should discuss as a couple before starting a relationship. Ignoring that, he can help support you as the baby's father. I know plenty of single dads/moms who find their partner, so having a child will not ruin your life unless you want it to.

Maybe he shouldn't cheat on the love of his life to begin with?

He does know it takes two to make a baby, right? So if he didn't have a vasectomy or wear a condom, he's also responsible for you getting pregnant. Since you clearly aren't the love of his life, you should kick him to the curb. If abortion isn't an option for you, is giving up the child for adoption a possibility?