By Puppy problems - 27/10/2013 01:23 - United States - Essex Junction

Today, I invited my boyfriend over to meet my new puppy. My dog decided to take a dump on his lap. He is now not talking to me because he thinks I trained my dog to do that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 527
You deserved it 4 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your BF seems a little emotional. And ridiculous. Just try to talk some sense into him.


purrypie 9

I would actually say "yes, I did train my dog who I bought days ago to shit on you" and see if he still thinks it's a bit ridiculous

I don't think your dog is house broken yet...and I think with the word new puppy shouldn't have caused a huge problem...

drshn 22
tjv3 10

Maybe your bf is a douchebag and your puppy senses it and is trying to warn you?

If the puppy repeats the action then the energy of your boyfriend might be scaring the puppy. But more than likely it was just a one off incident, good luck with your new puppy! They're so lovely when they're little but so much better when they're older. :D

As the saying goes, if your dog doesn't like someone, you probably shouldn't either ;) lol I'm sure things will smooth over! If not, maybe it's time for a new boyfriend that knows and understands dogs a bit more! Maybe your dogs first reaction won't be to cover him in poop

he is an idiot and you're better off without him,