By married - 16/10/2010 12:31 - United States
Same thing different taste
By unacceptable - 04/06/2012 15:02 - Australia
Reset my life
By Username - 17/05/2011 04:05
By GshDrnt - 21/04/2011 02:57 - United States
By facebook - 24/06/2010 10:09 - Australia
By notpregnant - 21/12/2009 18:12 - United States
By Anonymous - 29/11/2013 08:23 - United States - Portland
By surprise - 11/12/2009 21:04 - United States
Really close
By Anonymous - 15/06/2020 20:08
By Anonymous - 11/03/2014 22:27 - United States - Remus
Party hard!
By _Emilyy - 12/07/2011 04:40 - United States
Top comments
Facebook is life stupid. It's only true if it's on facebook.
Am I the only one that found that terribly disturbing?
Your sister probably has friends that like everything she says - my friend is like that, she likes EVERYTHING! Even stuff she doesn't know about.
is this seriously what fml has come to? people complaining that they didn't get likes on their status? quit whining and go spend time with your new child
177 wins
I was . actuallyyy !
13: got what? the shrimp smell? good for you then.
lmao. that's awesome.
aww, congrats :) menstrual blood does smell like shrimp.. but I guess her status is pretty sexual, so that's why so many people like it I guess. or you're just a ***** who sleeps around(like me)
you fail.
You're ugly and fat and stupid. and ugly. like realllly ugly.
Uhm, who are you lashing out at? If it's to me, I wasn't directing my comment to you. You should take notes and try to make it a little more obvious who you're addressing (IE put the number!).
98 is correct on all counts, including comment 91. Honestly, I think hawtstuff92 is a dirty old man using a pic from some lingerie or modeling site.
This site obviously has a data mapping issue. The 91 there now isn't the one I agreed with, earlier. But it will likely change back eventually, anyway.
Looks like the 91 i agreed with is back.
150 - Okay, so I was a little over tired and mistyped something. Please, shit on me some more. I'm only human. If you follow my posts, you'd realize that I have better grammar and sentence structure than you. Any particular reason you're having a conniption fit? I also don't see how my accidental mis-wording of a sentence means I need to grow up. You need to get your facts straight, ma'am. Ayame - I don't know if it's just me, but I still don't understand your comment. And I have no idea who Owen McAwesome is.
99% positive that you're a dude. no real girl would make an account like that v
No worries, Ayame.
181, You're comments are always good reading. I can't emulate you, because that just wouldn't be me... literally, I guess...
that's nasty why would you like that?
Congratulations* iPods are a mess
an iPod wouldn't do that...
Maybe she just has weird friends?
that's nasty why would you like that?
Detail what afterbirth smells like on your next status. Try to outdo her.