By Anonymous - 10/03/2015 23:15 - United States - Angleton

Today, I jokingly sent my girlfriend a link to an article about giving better head. She didn't think it was funny, and has since sent me numerous articles about the female orgasm, and I just got a link to the Wikipedia article about the clitoris. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 636
You deserved it 57 731

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, don't dish it out if you can't take it!

Look likes she ones step a head of you. I'm sure you didn't mean to rub her the wrong way, but it's a touchy subject


I hope you read the articles. Women build up sexual frustrations to.

Well it's no wonder she did That, I would have to. If you didn't want her to do that, you should wrote a message to go with it like. "Man, like people actually need a guide in order to learn this? That's so stuipd". or something like that. But you didn't and you hurt her feelings, so she hurt yours back.