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By Anonymous - 30/07/2015 21:50 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I learned companies can legally lie to fire an employee, and unless anything they say is on record, they are legally correct, no matter how unethical the company is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 065
You deserved it 1 827

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Please elaborate? We're all dying to know what happened.

No need to be a dick #15. The FML is pretty vague, And has zero specific details so wanting more is pretty logical. Stop being so salty.


at least they are sugar coating it ?

I'd rather actually know why I was being fired so I can improve on myself for future job opportunities.

#44, I think OP is talking about how legally you're not aloud to fire someone because of religion, race, sexuality, or even just not liking them, but if you find that they did something wrong, even a minor mistake, they can fire them and say its for this reason and then it becomes perfectly legal.

Life is full of opportunities. You will have a job in no time.

Put them in your rear view mirror and move on to the next opportunity

Please elaborate? We're all dying to know what happened.

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No need to be a dick #15. The FML is pretty vague, And has zero specific details so wanting more is pretty logical. Stop being so salty.

I second this motion, and i demand a retrial!

josiemorehouse 12

Perhaps OP can share further details on said situation. Come on OP, elaborate.

MrThump 16

Life moves on, you're better off without that job. You will find a better one soon!

Yes unfortunately legality and equity are totally different things

The best way to deal companies like this is to name and shame them, if other people have experienced the same they will soon speak and the company will learn.

If you do this, make sure every single thing you say or post is 100% true. You are committing it to record by sharing it, and companies will (legally) go after you if you lie on record, no matter how many times they lied off the record.

Not to mention if you don't have proof they can still go after you even if you are speaking the truth. It's in the laws of most countries that you can sue another individual for talking shit about you.