By why - 05/04/2011 15:25 - United States

Today, I learned that my parents' nickname for my fiancé is "dickwad." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 743
You deserved it 6 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments


PrincessesCrown 17

haha I wish my bf was called that...jk

TheAcidRomance 0

I think they're trying to tell you something, lol!!

akechatesu 0

lmao dickwad x) damn I'd love that nakename for me!

heydere 0

just think!! soon they can say it to his face cuz ull b family :)

why405997 0

inlaws are terrible. all the movie and tv show stereotypes are true.

We had one for my aunts fiancé- F--KStick