By a very unlucky dude. - 18/06/2014 06:37 - Canada - Surrey

Today, I learned the valuable lesson that taking care of a baby crow isn't the best idea. He finally can fly away, but sits on my porch all day cawing for food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 202
You deserved it 13 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JMichael 25

It's like when you feed a stray cat one time and it keeps coming back for more. Eventually it's gonna end up being yours.


Keep it and raise it. Crows are incredibly smart, train it. You can even teach it to talk.

Crows are extremely intelligent creatures, train it to collect spare change for you and that way you can make some extra money on the side(:

He imprinted. He will never be able to sustain himself now. Bring animals to rescues centers, don't help them yourself. A rescue can make sure they don't imprint. I'm working with a baby hawk right now.

You've got a pet crow now. Could be worse.

They are smart if keeping as a pet! However, do what mother crows do, and chase it away aggressively!

Maybe you can have a crow farm...if that makes any sense...but eventually it should leave but it will take a long time...I had a cat come by for three months then it left and never came back

Crows are awesome dude. I had a pet one but it had to go to a wildlife society for medical care.

Well, it can't go back to its family because it now smells of human so they'll reject it, and it hasn't been outdoors in a while and hasn't been taught how to get it's own food. Sorry, mate, you're a father now. Enjoy your pet crow.

Birds actually have a terrible sense of smell

ohishkabibble 21

Oh my god can we stop with the "it'll smell humans so it'll reject them" load of crap please. The internet exists, there is literally no reason to perpetuate this crap with a world of knowledge at your fingertips