By Furry - 02/12/2009 18:25 - United Kingdom

Today, I looked outside with a grimace at the very heavy rainfall through which I had to trudge a long way. I waited ten minutes for it to let up, only to find it was getting heavier. So, I started walking anyway. After getting soaked to the bone, I walked through my door, and it stopped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 303
You deserved it 3 490

Same thing different taste


allergic_2_broke 0

have you not heard of these magic things called.... umbrellas???? stupid ass.

theblazian 0

Did you melt or something? If you did FYL.... if you didn't join the club.... I've been rained on atleast 5 times in the past 3 months.... and yet for some reason i don't feel like my life is god awful or that I should commit suicide or something..... =/

CoffeeCovered 0

Oh, holy carp, I got covered in water, boo hoo. Same thing happens when you take a shower, only difference is that it's cold. And if you can't handle that, I have no words for you...

hahahaha that shit always happens to me, it rarely rains here but when it does it's always when I'm getting off a bus or walking home from something. Then it always stops when you are undercover! Classic!

YDI for being such a sissy and crying over rain. And with a vocabulary which include the words grimace and trudge one would assume that you would be able to afford a car.

yeah, you tell him, after all, no poor people are educated. cretin.

my thirteen year old sister uses words like than on a daily basis, and she sure as hell can't afford a car

This ALWAYS happens to me... if only i thought of writing an FML about it last time. sympathy from strangers FTW!

How is this an FML? Maybe if you had some important documents that got soaked with you, but I would think "Great! It's raining just for me!". Actually it's so hot here I'm extremely jealous.

that's what you get for living in england loser