By Tyrez - 11/11/2014 21:57 - United States

Today, I lost all hope on making my project high quality because of my partner's incompetence. My partner, AKA the company president. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 397
You deserved it 2 532

Tyrez tells us more.

The project we are working on is a video. So far it looks like something we would have done in high school. He thinks that a screenshot means taking a picture of the screen. I should probably take your advice and do most of it on my own but make sure he feels like he contributed ;)

Top comments

I wonder if he also uses white out on the screen to correct mistakes?

Steven696 6

He's just trying to make you a better employee. At least that would be my excuse..


Oops sorry, i read "i lost all hope" and pressed ydi. Fyl op. Sorry.

so you judged him before even reading the full sentence!!

not judged ive just seen too many "faith in humanity" posts. i thought thats where it was going.

wth I'm sorry op.. it's a shame your smarter then the companies president and you don't get paid more.

he got the money ..and I think you got brain...make it work..

Make the work your best quality and take the credit, he did absolutely nothing.

work hard...don't depend on him...i know you can pull it on your own

ostfaiz 18

At least he is the one who can praise ur hard and singleton efforts plus offer u promotions or lucrative profile :)

Hope they understand if it is not to their standards they should have helped