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By Anonymous - 27/03/2022 09:00 - Pakistan - Multan

Today, I was talking online to this guy, and everything was great. He then sent a voice message and his accent was a deal breaker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 270
You deserved it 1 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Short of being entirely incomprehensible, I feel like you’re a little bit picky here.


Short of being entirely incomprehensible, I feel like you’re a little bit picky here.

seems reasonable. I can't even understand deep southern accents.

Obviously not English, then. Those dudes get all the girls. Apparently.

Michelleg42 4

that's why you're alone 🤷🏼‍♀️ nitpicky

Definitely dodged a bullet. Why put up with the frustration of not being able to understand your prospective significant other?

kitten79TX 5

Why is an accent a deal breaker?

Looks like he dodged a bullet of being stuck in a relationship with someone so judgemental

Baka Loli 10

Wow, what a sad and shallow person you are. Next thing you know, it'll be because of their eye color huh?