By Fubar0906 - 19/05/2009 01:11 - United States

Today, I'm on vacation. I spent $4000 to surprise my boyfriend on a trip to Hawaii. We have been together over a year. Turns out, he hates the outdoors. He's mad at me for bringing him here and is upset at everything. He's in the room reading, I'm at the bar drinking $10 Mai Tai's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 564
You deserved it 17 585

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You've been together over a year and you didn't know that he hates the outdoors? I gotta say YDI.

He seems like a jerk...any normal person would at least try to enjoy themselves when the significant other put in that much effort. Sorry, that sucks! On the upside you are in Hawaii!


Screw him, enjoy your vacation! Have tons of fun without him.

definitely FYL. who cares if he absolutely hates it? Sometimes you just have to suck it up and pretend to enjoy things even though you don't. After all, he's there with you and if you've been going out for one year, he ought to enjoy your company at least.

What the hell?when did it become bad to suprise people with vacations?! wtf a complete stranger could offer me a trip to Hawaii & I'd be down. lol, I'm sorry for you OP.

Hawaii isn't a dream vacation for everyone. The thought may count, but that's only if thought has been put in. Hawaii happens to be a popular destination, so one cannot totally fault the OP for failure to plan, but this sort of thing should be discussed ahead of time. Sure, the boyfriend could appreciate the gesture, but being in a place you don't like tends to grate on the nerves after a while. I'll bet most of the above posters who complaining that the boyfriend was ungrateful would probably complain endlessly if taken on a complete tour of Robert E. Lee's battlefields or a trek along a few hundred miles of the Appalachian Trail.

Wow!!! You should just make him pay for MY ticket out there. How is it possible for some one to be upset about that?!?!?! Good luck with this prick.

Regardless of how long you've been dating him and his "hate" for the outdoors.. your boyfriend is acting like a child by sulking in his room while you forked out that money for the vacation. What would he rather do? Play WoW while you guys are down there?

Semper06 0

Don't worry...the same thing happened to me. Planned an entire spring break trip, got there, and he wanted to go home the first night. He actually called his parents and tried to get them to book a ticket home for him. WARNING...just break up with him now. Totally not worth it.

should have taken your ex bf and got some booty

There's plenty of indoor things to do in Hawaii. Tell him to get over himself, he's being a whiney, ungrateful little pansy. Oh, and your sorta deserve it for not knowing he's an outdoorsy guy. Still though: Him = Pansy.