By hungry - 08/03/2012 19:15 - Canada

Today, I'm participating in a 30 hour awareness-raising event on famine in Africa. I'm supposed to hand out leaflets to people from my booth. My school decided to hand out a literal crate-load of free cupcakes right in front of us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 489
You deserved it 3 203

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you think handing out cupcakes will somehow diminish the awareness of the famine? If you starve yourself, that'll somehow make the famine better? Don't be so naive. If you want to change it, do something about it. Raise money, go on a mission. But complaining about some cupcakes is a waste of time.


RedMosquito 4

Those were not free cupcakes they were handing out. They were this year's pay raises for the staff.

Malicteal 21

Just start yelling "Take a pamphlet and receive a free cupcake!!"

bizarre_ftw 21

Make the irony work to your advantage

Should've talked them into combining tables