By MoMoneyMoProblems - 07/08/2014 08:23 - Ireland - Dublin

Today, I managed to get a €5 note tangled in the zip on my purse. I couldn't open it without ripping it to shreds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 478
You deserved it 5 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least it wasn't worth much more than 5€!

Don't you have a wallet to prevent that from happening?


You can go back to the bank and try to change it. In the Netherlands you can do that if more than 50% of the money is still in one piece

In the US, too. Smaller the denomination, the less they care about how badly it's damaged (unless it's burned or contaminated, of course).

Good to know! And according to ECB website, the rules are the same for all Euro area member states, so OP, I hope you kept all your little banknote pieces... Time to go to your bank!

If you use the tip of a pen and force it in between the two sides of the zipper then the seal breaks and you can pull it apart, then you just zip it shut again and the bag and the bill are completely fine.

Damn, if only OP knew this information.

The UK has pounds and (the Republic of) Ireland, which is not part of the UK, is in the Eurozone.

That just happened to me a couple of days ago! Except mine was a $10 bill... :/

had 100$ stuck in wallet zip. opened the wallet, ripped the note, went to the bank, exchanged it for a fresh new note. you should do it next time.

in denmark you really just need the little 3d hologram thingy in the corner and you can go to the bank and excange it for a new and fresh one

Oh God! Have you recovered from this ordeal yet?