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By Insanity - 09/04/2015 05:28 - France - La Poste

Today, I managed to get my 4-year-old son to agree that, "cigarettes are poop." I was a lot less proud of myself when he pointed at a 6-foot bodybuilder-type dude in the subway and yelled, "That man smells of pooooooop." FML
I agree, your life sucks 496
You deserved it 150

Top comments

if your kid said that to me, i would've just laughed it off while crying on the inside.

He's young,I bet the guy didn't get offended.Young kids always say stuff like that


Perhaps you should have given him another example? That is funny though, until the man comes back and punches you in the face.

If everyone punched a parent for what their kid said. There would be a lot of black eyed people.

He's young,I bet the guy didn't get offended.Young kids always say stuff like that

I agree with you. There are some people who are quite pig headed though.

Loveyou6611 20

my dad always talks about how when I was a kid a "bigger" lady walked by and o was about 3 or 4 and I shouted out "daddy that lady is fat!!" and he couldn't stop laughing long enough to tell me that wasn't okay. the lady was pissed off.

Yeah, in fact when my older brother was 5, he and my parents were in an elevator with a huge buff guy who was smoking. My brother thought that the appropriate thing to say (granted he was 5) was "you're gonna DIE!!!" Anyways OP, that guy was understanding towards my brother so hopefully the guy in your situation understands that kids just say the darnedest things and that they shouldn't take it to heart.

I hope he didn't get too offended by it and was able to laugh it off since your son is only a kid :)

if your kid said that to me, i would've just laughed it off while crying on the inside.

Yeah, kids are little truth bombs without the necessary social skills for you to reasonably believe they're being offensive intentionally. So you just give a half-hearted laugh, trying not to make a scene, knowing they're probably right when they call you scary and hide behind their parents... :'(

#6 I wish I could up vote your comment more than once.

Brightbulb 39

I feel you, little kids always let you know how an innocent will perceive you. however, if you take it with a grain of salt and can improve your life :) it's all in how you take it

jazzy_123 20

oh he's just a kid. I would have thought it was cute... after an explanation of course. lol

Not everything a kid does is "cute." I hate people that say things like that. Oh your kid stabbed the dog on accident? How cute!

I mean those are two very different things sooo....

jazzy_123 20

yeah, I know not everything they do is cute, but come on. OP was trying to teach him something and he took what he learned and applied it.

karcummings 19

funny., let's hope you're safe

Hmm, wonder where he learned that from?! Wink wink!