By Insanity - 09/04/2015 05:28 - France - La Poste

Today, I managed to get my 4-year-old son to agree that, "cigarettes are poop." I was a lot less proud of myself when he pointed at a 6-foot bodybuilder-type dude in the subway and yelled, "That man smells of pooooooop." FML
I agree, your life sucks 494
You deserved it 148

Top comments

if your kid said that to me, i would've just laughed it off while crying on the inside.

He's young,I bet the guy didn't get offended.Young kids always say stuff like that


Kids say the darnedest things at the darnedest times, don't they?

oh yes they do! It is pretty freakin hilarious imo. I love it when kids tell it how they see it

pheonixxe 15

This may be one of the funniest posts I've read for a very long time.