By sunboy52 - 05/05/2009 07:43 - United States
I agree, your life sucks
You deserved it
Top comments
FYL def I know my phone does that too that is why I keep my pics in folders! I hope her Dad smacked the ish outta you lol (word#29!)
Totally a YDI for keeping nude pics on a phone.
which phone?
The Top
I agree, your life sucks
38 330
You deserved it
5 853
I agree, your life sucks
1 842
You deserved it
4 025
The Top
I agree, your life sucks
You deserved it
I agree, your life sucks
38 112
You deserved it
3 372
I agree, your life sucks
27 197
You deserved it
3 653
I agree, your life sucks
1 349
You deserved it
I agree, your life sucks
34 080
You deserved it
3 565
I agree, your life sucks
You deserved it
This is why you don't keep nude photos of your girlfriend. You look and then delete that shit.
Wow.... why would you even be stupid enough to leave a nude picture of your gf on your phone without locking it? You totally deserved this.