By sunboy52 - 05/05/2009 07:43 - United States

Today, I met my girlfriend's parents for the first time. We got on the discussion of animals, and I showed them a picture of my cat on my phone. Being a touchscreen, when her father grabbed it, it changed picture. To a picture of my girlfriend, fully nude. FML
I agree, your life sucks 402
You deserved it 239

Top comments

This is why you don't keep nude photos of your girlfriend. You look and then delete that shit.

pennies83 0

Wow.... why would you even be stupid enough to leave a nude picture of your gf on your phone without locking it? You totally deserved this.


FYL def I know my phone does that too that is why I keep my pics in folders! I hope her Dad smacked the ish outta you lol (word#29!)

bella_brasil 0

Oh please,like half of you would really just look at a pic of ur nude gf or bf and delete it. It was a mistake,I don't think YDI.

f33zy_85 0

Today, my daughter's new boyfriend was showing us a picture of his cat from his touch screen phone. When I grabbed his phone to have a better view of the cat, a picture of my nude daughter appeared. Since when was my daughter a pornstar? FML

Totally a YDI for keeping nude pics on a phone.

Hummingbird114 0

#19 don't be an asshole. You're just jealous you don't have anyone who wants to send you nude photos of themselves.

squeaksx24 0

I don't feel bad for you; I feel bad for your girlfriend. She should have posted this thread. FHL. Also, the OP's girlfriend isnt'a **** for sending nude pictures to her BOYFRIEND. Seriously now..

cransformer 0

#5: I don't think you're in any position to call anyone stupid. #25: You win. Discussion over.

icallshenanigans_fml 0

That happened to me, only i'm the girlfriend and it was his dad!

Whos 0

this happened to me before except i had let her 14 year old sister use my phone and she found the pictures...that was awkward as hell lol