By sunboy52 - 05/05/2009 07:43 - United States

Today, I met my girlfriend's parents for the first time. We got on the discussion of animals, and I showed them a picture of my cat on my phone. Being a touchscreen, when her father grabbed it, it changed picture. To a picture of my girlfriend, fully nude. FML
I agree, your life sucks 402
You deserved it 239

Top comments

This is why you don't keep nude photos of your girlfriend. You look and then delete that shit.

pennies83 0

Wow.... why would you even be stupid enough to leave a nude picture of your gf on your phone without locking it? You totally deserved this.


You definitely deserved this one, moron.

n00dz ftl. i personally think they are the dumbest thing ever. ive seen girls send them to their bfs, then break up and he decides to send them to everyone. you never know where they could end up. this isnt a FYL, this is a FHL.

I guess forgetfulness and accidents are grounds for someone being stupid. And I think the father grabbed it with permission, perhaps to get a better look. The poster doesn't say he grabbed it without permission or anything of that nature. Shit happens, move on. Nude pictures are not trashy or slutty, unless they are handed out like samples to anyone who asks. You have to be a giant ******* prude to think a nude pic is trashy or signs of being a ****. Some people here must have pretty boring sex lives, or likely miserable marriages.

Why were photos of her and photos of cats in the same folder?

if you were smart, you would have blackmailed BEFORE showing her father jks, FYL indeed

On your phone? C'mon, you don't really need to look at your nude girlfriend when you're on the bus. Just keep it on the computer.

xxaaaxx 0

never keep pics like that on your phone. upload them on the computer THEN DELETE THEM!!!

lol, don't keep them on your phone. You have online storage for a reason.